Actual Window Guard logo Actual Window Guard

Keep Windows on Your Desktop in Order Automatically!

Auto-minimize/maximize certain programs on their startup, get rid of annoying pop-up windows, save and restore windows size and position, prevents accidental close of windows.
Version:8.15.2 what's new
Release date:November 13, 2024
Work on:Windows 11 / 10 / 8.1 / 8 / 7 / Vista / XP / 2000 (both 32-bit and 64-bit editions)

Windows Server 2022 / 2019 / 2016 / 2012 R2 / 2012 / 2008 R2 / 2008 / 2003 / 2000 (both 32-bit and 64-bit* editions)
License type:Try-before-Buy
Free trial:60 days
Setup size:8.06 Mb
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About Actual Window Guard

Actual Window Guard is what you need to keep your workspace in optimal condition for efficient and comfortable work. It has many settings helping to organize windows on the desktop and keep them in the order you prefer. It means you won't have to spend time resizing and positioning windows as it will be done automatically. And there are many other features in the program which you can use to skip everyday routine and get better productivity.

Automatic positioning and resizing aren't the only things Actual Window Guard can do. The tool allows you:

The program even enables you to change options which standard controls don't provide (for example, you can remove windows from the taskbar or change individual settings, such as window's icon and title). What's more, the tool supports multi-monitor systems allowing you automatically place particular windows to required monitor and specify window dimensions as per cent values of current monitor's resolution.

Not only Actual Window Guard serves well to facilitate your work with other applications but the program itself is very easy-to-use. The interface is made to be intuitive and friendly, so that you can get accustomed to it right away and quickly make needed adjustments. It's also handy that the tool offers functions for specified types of windows and has features applicable to all types at a time. With Actual Window Guard, it won't take much time to create and manage a system of rules for optimizing each and every detail of your workspace related to windows.

The rules can be applied to windows of almost any types of applications, including x64 ones. Moreover, at the moment Actual Window Guard is the only program of that kind, allowing you to manage command prompt (a.k.a. console/CMD/DOS) windows.

This utility is the final step to optimize your everyday Windows® experience and make it far more comfortable!

What Users Say

""I'm trying out Actual Window Guard and I think it's great. I use it primarily to have my Windows Explorer always open in the same size at the same spot. And that works. (You should have made this in 1997, I would not have gray hair now.)""
Rob Timmers

""For years I've been searching for a window management utility that did what Actual Window Guard does. My search is over. Thank you!""
Andre Pinheiro,


I’m using Actual Window Guard on a MacBookPro running MacOS 10.4.11. I have Parallels Desktop 3.0 for Mac installed on it which lets me create a Windows XP virtual machine. Within that VM Parallels provides XP drivers (Parallels Tools) for display, other hardware, etc. I have a second LCD monitor connected to the MacBook and, unfortunately, the Parallels display driver only supports one large desktop that spans both monitors (different sizes) so display management with Parallels is non-existent. There is no control over which XP applications open on which monitor or their window sizes (unlike Dell Latitude NVidia drivers which offer support for different displays and applications).

Actual Window Guard makes it much easier to manage XP applications as to where their windows are positioned when they are launched instead of the default center between both screens.

Bob G. - Sunnyvale, California
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