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Topic: «New 4.5 version of Actual Window Manager and other programs , New level of automation, Windows Monitoring Log, new TabletPC features » on forum: Announcements   Views: 15922
Alexey Fadeyev

Posts: 1452
Joined: 09/30/2005
Posted: 06/20/2007 11:05:27
Hi all,

We are very glad to announce that June 20, 2007 we released the long-awaited new 4.5 version of Actual Window Manager and other programs.

Products catalog:

This release introduces a new level of automation with the new powerful Run Keyboard Macro feature, an effective problem-solving Windows Monitoring Log tool, a bunch of very handy features for Tablet PC users, and many other changes and improvements. Here is a short list of interesting and noticeable improvements (the full list is available here):

Windows Monitoring Log tool
This new feature is going to become an extremely useful problem-solving tool! Now the Control Center is able to monitor every new window appearance and log this window's properties into the special file; also it logs which window rule has been selected and applied to that window. To turn the logging on, mark the 'Enable logging' check box in the General property sheet of the Options window; then you can view the log by clicking the 'Show log console' item in the Control Center tray icon's context menu.

Note: The detailed description of this feature is available here.

Run Keyboard Macro feature
This long-awaited and frequently requested feature is quite powerful and useful: it allows defining the sequence of keystrokes (including key combinations of system keys) and sending this sequence to a certain window at its startup so automating the regular initial actions (e.g. login/password input, exact positioning in window's contents, opening/closing of subwindows etc.).

Note: The detailed description of this feature is available here.

Change Program Affinity feature
This new feature may be useful for those who work on multi-processor systems (including those with HyperThreading™-able and multi-core CPUs): it allows automatic setting of the CPU affinity for particular applications (i.e. defining which physical CPUs they should run on), therefore finely balancing the load of each CPU and using the overall computing resources more effectively.

Note: The detailed description of this feature is available here.

Hide Mouse Pointer feature
This new feature is useful most for the Tablet PC users: it allows hiding the mouse pointer while it is floating over a particular window - e.g. Tablet PC Input Panel - so the mouse pointer won't block the way.

Note: The detailed description of this feature is available here.

On-the-fly transparency setting
Now if you right-click the Make Transparent title button the slider control will appear instead of the context menu with predefined values. When you are dragging this slider the transparency level is changing immediately so you can quickly and easily select the desired window appearance.

Copy/Paste title buttons
These new buttons provide a quick and easy alternative way to operate with the system Clipboard: simply select desired data, click the Copy title button of window containing that data, then select a window to paste the copied data and click this window's Paste title button. These buttons appear to be extremely useful for Tablet PC users so we strongly recommend them to try out these new buttons.

Some minor improvements
- the hotkeys processing is significantly improved
- new hotkeys are added: 'Reapply settings' action (Win+F5), Configuration Module's launch (Win+C), 'Unhide' submenu (Win+H)
- title buttons' appearance in Windows Vista is improved
- now permanent tray/screen icons behave like buttons in Taskbar, i.e. when you click such icon: 1) the active window will be minimized 2) the inactive window will be activated 3) the minimized window will be restored
- when minimizing to screen, now you can make screen icons semi-transparent
- now you can temporarily disable the automatic rolling up via Roll Up title button's context menu or Roll Up window menu's submenu
- now you can easily copy settings from a selected window rule to others
- 'Options' window: the Hide Configuration Module while using Window Finder option has moved from the General property sheet to the User Interface property sheet
- 'Options' window: new 'Triggers' and 'Actions' grouping nodes are added
- current window size and position now are displayed in 'Custom Size' and 'Custom Position' dialogs accordingly; current position is also displayed in the 'Alignment' window menu's submenu

Some minor bug fixes
- the "orphaned title buttons" bug in Windows Vista is fixed
- title buttons now work properly in PowerPoint 2007
- title buttons' behavior in Outlook 2007 is improved
- conflict with the Microsoft Time Zone window is solved
- transparency effect conflict with Emerge Desktop is solved
- transparency effect conflict with the Start button in Windows Vista is solved
- sometimes windows used to freeze in the rolled state and needed to be resized manually instead of unrolling (now the Unroll function works always as expected)
- the conflict with Quattro Pro X3 menus is solved
- the conflict with the Internet Explorer 7 'Search on this page' window is solved
- the bug of incorrect behavior of 'Restrict placement' feature in multi-monitor configurations is fixed

More information about Actual Window Manager you may find at or you may download the fully functional 60-day trial version at

Best regards,

Alexey Fadeyev

Actual Tools

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