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Topic: «Actual Window Manager 5.1 beta 1 is available! , Virtual Desktops are here! » on forum: Beta Testing   Views: 12880
Alexey Fadeyev

Posts: 1452
Joined: 09/30/2005
Posted: 04/21/2008 10:39:30
Actual Tools has released the 1st beta version of Actual Window Manager 5.1.

In this beta we proudly present the eagerly awaited extension of Actual Window Manager functionality - the ability to define and manage so-called "virtual desktops". Virtual desktops are logical groups of windows displayed or hidden together when you switch from one group ("desktop") to another. There are already many third-party utilities providing such ability but we offer it along with all other Actual Window Manager advanced features: you can place a window to desired virtual desktop at window's startup, then move windows between those desktops either via extra title button or via extra window menu command. Each virtual desktop can have its own wallpaper picture and can be activated via custom hotkey combination. You can define as many virtual desktops as you need.

Also here is the short list of other updates (the full list of changes is available here):

[*] Multi-selection edit mode (editing the several Specific Settings at once)
This feature should be of great use in case you want to assign the same value to a certain property in several Specific Settings items in the Configuration window: just select the desired items in the Navigation Pane, then open the desired property sheet and enter the needed value - and it will be automatically assigned to all selected items. To select several items, press and hold the
key, then use the left mouse click on the desired Specific Settings items in the Navigation Pane. To cancel the multi-selection edit mode, you can click on any item in the Navigation Pane without the
key held pressed.

You should consider the following notes when using the multi-selection edit mode:

- you can deselect any item (thus, excluding it from a multi-selection) in a same way you select it - press and hold the
key and click the left mouse button on it (please note that the item that was selected when you start the multi-selection cannot be deselected in such way)

- when all selected items have the same value in a certain property it appears as is but if at least one of selected items has different value for this property it will appear undefined: empty in edit boxes and combo boxes, undefined in check boxes (grayed), unselected in radio buttons (all buttons have no mark on them), zero in track bars

- if you modify any property in a multi-selection edit mode the same change will be made to all selected Specific Settings items

[*] Custom tray/screen icon
This feature allows replacing the default window icon with a specified one when a window is minimized to the system tray or on the screen; when window is restored back its default icon is restored too.

[*] Some minor improvements
- the custom hotkeys for standard "Minimize" and "Maximize/Restore" Windows commands are added (by default
- the compatibility mode for moving maximized windows between monitors is added
- now you can remove (in the Window Menu property sheet) or reposition (in the Window Menu Options property sheet) special "Pin to desktop" and "Restrict placement" window menu items as well as any other menu items

[*] Some minor bugfixes
- now extra title buttons don't appear in the fullscreen mode of Microsoft Word 2003/2007
- the compatibility with applications written in Visual Basic is improved (in particular, with WorkCentrics and NCSS 2007)
- the bug is fixed: enabling the Command Prompt Windows Support when Tiny Personal Firewall is running led to system crash
- now windows pinned to desktop react properly when the Control Center is stopped/unloaded
- now the Change Window Title action works properly if the Window Caption criterion is enabled

Note As usual, I would like to remind that due to our beta-testing policy our beta versions have an expiration date after which they can't be used. Also, due to their nature, beta versions can't be registered, even with a valid registration data: they are not final products but betas! So when the beta version expires you should either roll back to the last stable release, update your beta to a new one (if available), or upgrade to a new stable release (if available).
The beta 1 of Actual Window Manager 5.1 will expire on June 1, 2008.

You can download it here.

I strongly recommend to install this beta into a separate folder (for example, "C:\Program Files\Actual Window Manager 5.1 beta 1") so you could easily roll back to any previous version.

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