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Topic: «Actual Window Manager 5.0 beta 3 is available! , The long-awaited support of 64-bit Windows and new Change Icon feature » on forum: Beta Testing   Views: 12227
Alexey Fadeyev

Posts: 1452
Joined: 09/30/2005
Posted: 11/07/2007 05:19:37
Actual Tools has released the 3rd beta version of Actual Window Manager 5.0.

This beta version of the upcoming major update of Actual Tools products introduces another great long-awaited feature - the native support of 64-bit applications (including 64-bit command prompt a.k.a. CMD a.k.a. console windows!) running on the x64 platform: Windows XP x64 Edition, Windows 2003 x64 Edition and all versions of Windows Vista x64 Edition! So again I'd like to ask everyone to help us and check the compatibility of this new feature on as many as possible 64-bit systems and provide us any feedback on this matter - either positive or negative; especially please turn your attention on the correctness of 64-bit console windows handling. Thank you very much!

Here is the short list of updates (the full list of changes is available here):

[*] Change Icon feature
This long-awaited and frequently requested feature is finally available! It supplements well the old and well-known "Change Caption" feature and allows you the full disguise of required windows. Also it can be used for easy graphic distinguishing similar windows with different contents, e.g. several instances of Internet browser containing different sites.

[*] some minor improvements
- in the Configuration window time units have been changed from milliseconds to seconds so now it's possible to provide fractional values for time delays (e.g. 0.2 seconds, 1.5 seconds etc.)
- now the "Enable logging" option can be turned on/off via tray icon's menu, and the log window is independent of the logging status so the log contents can be viewed any time
- "Align window"/"Resize window" actions' usability is improved: now they can be applied only if the target window is in proper state (normal - for "Align window", normal or maximized - for "Resize window") otherwise, corresponding title buttons/window menu commands are disabled

[*] some minor bugfixes
- the bug caused "black windows" problem (e.g. with Windows Vista Sidebar) is fixed
- now the title bar double-click is correctly handled in Office 2007 windows
- the bug is fixed: when "Rolled up if inactive" and "Smooth Rollup" options were enabled, dragging the rolled window led to "Roll Up" function's disability
- the bug is fixed: using the "Roll Up" hotkey along with "Smooth Rollup" option enabled led to window's hang-up

Also I would like to remind that due to our beta-testing policy our beta versions have an expiration date after which they can't be used. Also, due to their nature, beta versions can't be registered, even with a valid registration data: they are not final products but betas! So when the beta version expires you should either roll back to the last stable release, update your beta to a new one (if available), or upgrade to a new stable release (if available).
The beta 3 of Actual Window Manager 5.0 will expire December 1, 2007.

You can download it here.

I strongly recommend to install this beta into a separate folder (for example, "C:\Program Files\Actual Window Manager 5.0 beta 3") so you could easily roll back to any previous version.
Marc Salvatori
Posts: 33
Joined: 07/22/2007
Posted: 12/03/2007 21:43:53
Wow!  I just jumped from v5b2 to v5b4 and was delighted to see 64-bit support.  Thank you!   :)  

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