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Topic: «Running Program Taskbar Icon Visibility , Keep running program taskbar icon visible » on forum: Feature Requests   Views: 3435
Jon Albright
Registered user

Posts: 31
Joined: 01/04/2019
Posted: 06/01/2019 06:00:11
Not sure if this has been asked yet....did not find it in any search.  Request is to have an option to keep a running program taskbar icon visible at all times the program is running.  i.e., Microsoft Word assigned (not pinned) to live in Monitor #1 on virtual desktop #1.  When switching from VD #1 to VD #3 for instance, the  Microsoft Word icon in the taskbar will disappear.  Same for all other running programs.  It would be so convenient to have a setting for the taskbar icon to remain, no matter which VD is currently active so that the user (me) could just click the taskbar icon and be returned to the VD with its associated running program.
Bogdan Polishchuk
Posts: 4033
Joined: 04/04/2012
Posted: 06/12/2019 08:09:40
Hello, Jon

It would be so convenient to have a setting for the taskbar icon to remain, no matter which VD is currently active so that the user (me) could just click the taskbar icon and be returned to the VD with its associated running program.
We've received such request several times previously, not too often though.

We'll consider this request and will post in this topic if it's implemented.

Best regards.

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