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Topic: «Option to always fill divider tile » on forum: Feature Requests   Views: 6628
John Hind
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Posts: 8
Joined: 05/27/2019
Posted: 05/27/2019 21:51:38
This would be a tickbox option which would force a window dragged onto a desktop divider tile to always fill the tile. In other words the current behaviour when the drag pointer is released near the top of the tile would extend over the entire tile. The objective is to (optionally) force a fully tiled layout in which there cannot be overlapping non-modal windows (they must either be stacked or tiled).
Alex Fadeyev

Posts: 1428
Joined: 09/30/2005
Posted: 05/28/2019 08:59:58

Thank you for your suggestion.

Actually, it's already implemented but for the "Activate When Dragging a Window - While pressed" mode only - please check it out and see whether it fits your needs or not.
John Hind
Registered user
Posts: 8
Joined: 05/27/2019
Posted: 05/28/2019 23:53:34
Hi Alex,

That is exactly what I was looking for, but puzzled by the reason for having it only on 'While pressed'? Would be better to have it as a separate checkbox, honoured for all 'Activate' options. This would also make it more discoverable.

Further, for completeness maybe there should also be a 'Never' selection for 'Activate When Dragging a Window' because the desktop divider can also be used from the window button. EDIT: I just noticed you can do that by selecting 'While pressed' and not checking any keys!
Bogdan Polishchuk
Posts: 4024
Joined: 04/04/2012
Posted: 06/12/2019 06:21:10

That is exactly what I was looking for, but puzzled by the reason for having it only on 'While pressed'?
This behavior makes sense for the "While pressed" mode, as when you press the key combination, it means you're about to put a window into a tile by dragging it, and in this case a whole tile is highlighted which makes putting window into a tile easier.
In case of the "Always" mode it makes sense to provide a user an option - to simply replace a window or to put a window into a tile, because not everybody wants all their windows to be placed in tiles.

Does the "While pressed" mode suit your needs, or you'd still prefer to have the option to always fill divider tile for all modes?

Further, for completeness maybe there should also be a 'Never' selection for 'Activate When Dragging a Window' because the desktop divider can also be used from the window button.
We'll consider this request and will post in this topic if it's implemented.

Best regards.

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