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Topic: «Resize window when changing monitor » on forum: Feature Requests   Views: 7289
Dominic Lavoie
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Joined: 06/06/2018
Posted: 06/06/2018 06:37:23
I have multiple monitors some portrait and some landscape. Whenever I drag windows around from a portrait monitor to a landscape one or vice versa, the windows sometimes end up way way way too tall or way way way too wide and I have to resize them manually by dragging or with a resize configured in AWM.

What I would like is that when this happens, AWM would simply resize the max window size to the current monitor. I looked a bit and did not find a way to achieve this currently but did not dig very long as writing this message would be more efficient.
Bogdan Polishchuk
Posts: 4024
Joined: 04/04/2012
Posted: 06/07/2018 18:07:24

What I would like is that when this happens, AWM would simply resize the max window size to the current monitor.
There is no such option for manual windows dragging, but there are the options for the "Move to monitor" title button and window menu item in Default/Specific settings: Leave as is, Keep aspect ratio and Fit target monitor. Have you considered using the "Move to monitor" title button/window menu item/hotkey (Win+. by default).

Best regards.
Dominic Lavoie
Registered user
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Joined: 06/06/2018
Posted: 06/07/2018 22:21:57
The issue happens mostly when I am using Visual Studio and drag a docked window from a portrait window group too my laptop monitor which is landscape. So ideally the resize would be triggered any time a window is dropped or every time there is a mouse left button up event on the window. That shouldn't be so hard to implement.

Thanks for suggestion anyway, will keep that in mind :)

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