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Topic: «Startup Open as Minimized Only Once / First Time » on forum: Feature Requests   Views: 10443
Jim W
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Posts: 6
Joined: 06/15/2014
Posted: 06/15/2014 23:11:17
I'm running the AWM trial and would like be able to start a program with windows minimized to the tray. The only option I can find is Startup > Open as > Minimized.

Say I have Notepad startup with Windows minimized to tray. Say for some reason I close Notepad. Later I click on a txt file it opens Notepad Minimized, confusing and counter productive.

I saw another Window Manager that had this option.

Alexander Mihalkin

Posts: 502
Joined: 04/21/2014
Posted: 06/16/2014 17:03:22
Dear Jim,

thank you for your post!

You should try using Window caption criterion (screenshot attached) for purposes like this. The rule with a Window Caption criterion enabled will apply only to windows matching the enabled criteria. If you configure the Target Window of your rule exactly like on the screenshot, the rule will apply only to Notepad windows which have exactly "Untitled - Notepad" caption.

If you need more info or have any other questions, please feel free to contact us!
Best regards.
Jim W
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Posted: 06/16/2014 20:55:54
The example I gave using Notepad is a bad example, sorry about that, I'm using this for PhpStorm which "re-opens the last project on startup" so the startup window caption is always different depending on the project name and last opened file. I assume it's the same with most IDE's and other project based applications.

I wrote a quick AutoHotkey for Windows startup but it leaves an annoying taskbar button.

It just makes sense to have this feature, I hope you will still consider it.

Alexander Mihalkin

Posts: 502
Joined: 04/21/2014
Posted: 06/17/2014 00:21:13
Jim, we definitely will consider your request.

In order for us to understand your needs better, please provide some more information on the issue:

  • Am I correct in understanding that you would like PhpStorm to start minimized automatically, when you start Windows and after that you want it to start in normal mode, when you open files in it through Windows Explorer?

  • Please tell more about the AutoHotkey you use (how it works). What is the taskbar button you wrote about?

  • We would also be grateful, if you could tell us about the purpose you need to open PhpStorm minimized for - how exactly it helps in your workflow.

Screenshots would be appreciated!

Best regards.
Jim W
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Posted: 06/17/2014 01:00:46
You are correct, I want to start PhpStorm with Windows minimized to the tray and after that it should open normally.

The reason I want to launch with Windows is PhpStorm and all Java IDE's are very slow to launch, like 10 or more seconds. Many times a day I find myself sitting there waiting for it to launch. Sublime Text launches instantly but I now need an IDE.

I have even set the Close button to minimize to prevent me from accidentally closing PhpStorm, works really well.

I have everything setup in AWM and everything works beautifully, tray icon, screen icon, rollup, etc.

I put a shortcut for PhpStorm in the Windows Startup set the shortcut to Run "Minimized", which doesn't work with PhpStorm as it ignores Run "Minimize".

So, instead of that I force minimize with an AutoHotkey script in the Windows Startup:

SendMode Input
SetWorkingDir %A_ScriptDir%
DetectHiddenWindows, on
DetectHiddenText, on
SetTitleMatchMode 2

sleep, 7000 ; wait for AWM to fully load
IfWinNotExist, PhpStorm
Run, C:\Program Files (x86)\PhpStorm\bin\PhpStorm.exe nosplash
WinWait, PhpStorm
WinMinimize, PhpStorm


It's a cheesy way to do it and it leaves a taskbar button.

4T Tray Minimizer has this feature under Automatically > Minimize to tray when > It's Executed > Only for the first time.

Windows 8 Pro
Alexander Mihalkin

Posts: 502
Joined: 04/21/2014
Posted: 06/17/2014 18:21:48
Thank you for the detailed reply, Jim.

We will consider implementing the feature you describe in further versions of Actual Window Manager.

Best regards!

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