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Topic: «Show windows side by side , with more than 2 windows » on forum: Feature Requests   Views: 2546
Martijn Saly
Registered user
Posts: 9
Joined: 01/02/2012
Posted: 10/17/2012 04:14:40
Would it be possible to change the option "Show windows side by side" so that it places *all* visible windows on the given monitor side by side? For example, if I have three windows floating around and select this option, I would honestly expect them to be aligned so that each takes 1/3rd horizontally and be full height. Four windows would produce four columns, so to speak.

I'm developing adaptive websites and I find it very useful to place three or four narrow browser windows on my second widescreen monitor ;)
Bogdan Polishchuk
Posts: 4024
Joined: 04/04/2012
Posted: 10/21/2012 04:31:37
Hello Martijn.

Thanks for the post.

We'll consider your request.

Best regards.
Bogdan Polishchuk
Posts: 4024
Joined: 04/04/2012
Posted: 10/25/2012 03:16:15
Hello Martijn.

It was decided not to implement the feature you've requested.

You can use the "Gather all windows here" feature (taskbar context menu > Gather all windows here) and then "Show windows side by side".

Or, if you want to gather your browsers on certain monitor separately from other windows, you can create the custom group for your browsers (by dragging the preview to other browser's taskbar icon, of course on the our program's taskbar), then gather all the windows on other monitor and use the "move to monitor" command from the group preview thumbnails to move the browsers to the certain monitor. But not sure that it's faster than if you'd move windows manually.

Best regards.

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