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Topic: «Sticking windows together , Is there a way to make one window follow another? » on forum: Feature Requests   Views: 2915
David Lomas
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Posts: 377
Joined: 03/16/2006
Posted: 09/27/2012 11:41:30
Apologies if this has been raised before - I did a quick search of the site, and couldn't find anything...

I've just started using Chrome (see other post on the Chrome UI and titlebuttons), and I'm also using an extension to Chrome called 'Sidewise'. This gives a second window with a vertical list of tabs - very useful for navigating between a few dozen tabs for example.

The problem is that because it's a separate window, making it act like an 'attached' toolbar is problematical. Focus and z-order is a particular problem - there's no way for a Chrome extension to manage it's position and appear to be at the same 'level' in the window stack at the Chrome window .

Is there any way AWM could allow me to create a rule which says 'follow this window'? So that when the Chrome window is raised, the Sidewise window was also raised, without affecting focus?

I have a feeling this could possibly help with the GIMP UI problems too, where it's floating toolbox often gets buried under other windows.


Registered user
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Posted: 09/28/2012 11:50:55
Hello, I would like to vote for David's feature request. I am working on two monitors - on the primary one most of the time there are development IDE (sometimes two) and a browser, on the second monitor i have bunch of tools, consoles, shells, ftp client, file manager. When i am working on the IDE i often look at the second monitor in technical documentation and specifications and while testing the result into the browser i am looking into a lots of statistical data, logs and stats on my second monitor, but as you can already notice to do that i must re(z)order some of the windows on my second monitor so i can observe everything and vice versa.

So, as for more technical definition of the request i would call these grouped windows more like as a stacks, because the z-order between the windows must also be preserved. A stack may have a primary window   (optional may be?) which will hook the whole stack together. When there is no primary window defined every window from a stack my bring the whole group on top. When there is primary window defined and some of the windows (different from primary of the stack, but part of the same stack) is being activated it does not activate the whole group, but when the primary window activates the stack on later stage the same window being activated before that will be placed just after the primary window  .

If you consider that my request is different than David's, then please move it into a separate topic.

Thank You,

Bogdan Polishchuk
Posts: 4024
Joined: 04/04/2012
Posted: 10/11/2012 01:21:42
Hello gentlemen.

Thanks for the posts.

We'll consider your requests.

Best regards.

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