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Topic: «Macro Buttons » on forum: Feature Requests   Views: 7633
Oliver Nelson
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Posted: 10/02/2006 20:11:37
It would be great to have a button that does a series of things, like a button that sets the size of the window and then moves it.
Alexey Fadeyev

Posts: 1428
Joined: 09/30/2005
Posted: 10/04/2006 09:14:31
Great suggestion, thanks, but you're not the first and even not the tenth who requests this feature. :) It's included into our plans for the future versions but its implementation requires much work because we need to design as the macro language as to provide some kind of visual constructor for easy building those macros. Maybe, someday we'll make a beta with the support of simple text scripts but it still requires the macro language translator. So please - be patient! :)
Tobiel Sayre
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Posted: 10/06/2006 02:38:35
meanwhile, u might test separate macro for this using keytext build 3 from mjmsoft BECAUSE you dont even have to click a button. It waits for YOUR window and does what you want to it, yes multitreatment.

Of course the macro itself likes the fact that its automatic mouser which it often does not need can click a button or 2 that AWM makes available.

The macro topic is so full of its own things to observe at the utmost making these programs more COMPATIBLE would seem feasible, yet in my eyes it already works perfect without that.

When I imagine I had to answer the support questions of nice users a bit inexperienced combining all these things, gee - gulp! Happens anyway to a certain extent. Nice part could be if programs recognized each other like new lavasoft firewalls recognizes adaware program instead of clashing, and their partner companies virus solution doesnt clash either. But with macros, wow? You would have to find out a lot on your own which you already can so do that

SATYROBE/TAXIFUNK/Tobiel Sayre registered user; non-staff

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