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Topic: «Window Settings - Specific Settings Addition Request , Save Size and Position Per App » on forum: Feature Requests   Views: 5780
Donald Reynolds
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Posts: 11
Joined: 08/13/2010
Posted: 08/13/2010 10:10:23
Would it be possible to add a feature to the Window Settings - Specific Settings options to save the size and position of specific applications.

For example it is annoying that the Computer Management and similar windows always pops up with a default size. I'd like to be able to resize and position any window, identify it, and save that for all future launches.

This would also be helpful for windows that do save the last position and size correctly, but we don't want it persist for the next launch. For example if you open Internet Explorer and then launch a second IE window and move it, it would be nice if the next launch of IE used the original size and position that you saved instead of the last one you closed.

You already have Move to Monitor and Maximize to Desktop, so I figure it wouldn't be hard to save a top, left, width, and height instead.

Göran Halfvarson
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Joined: 01/21/2009
Posted: 08/13/2010 11:58:27
Good idea!

I often find myself adjusting size and position of such standard program windows. (They often default to a very small size.)
Tatiana Jack
Posts: 616
Joined: 08/06/2008
Posted: 08/16/2010 06:21:29
Dear Donald and Göran,

What about the caption criteria in Target Window? It allows to define a window almost exactly.

For example, for the Computer Management window you should create a rule with following criteria in Target Panel:

Window class: MMCMainFrame
Caption: Computer Management (exact match)
Program: mmc.exe

Please, correct me if the way doesn't fit for you.


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