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Topic: «Is it possible Identify monitors by Monitor ID also, rather then only 1, 2, 3… » on forum: Technical Support   Views: 65
Rodrigo Bordin
Posts: 6
Joined: 04/26/2017
Posted: 02/15/2025 02:00:09

I came across a situation of sometimes, at random times,  Windows 11 switches which monitor is the “2” and which is the “3”.  The weird thing is that the screen position (left or right than the main one) is preserved, but sometimes it’s like 2 1 3 and sometimes it’s 3 1 2.

The monitors are in their correct places regarding left of right the central one( which is the notebook one).

So my LG monitor sometimes is 2 or 3, but it’s always right to the main central one.

But my apps rules make an app open in the wrong monitor because it’s number changed..

Could it be added an option to fix a chosen app to open in a monitor by it’s name, ID, rather than  only 1, 2 or three? Then, if windows mess with it’s numbers the apps will continue to open in the correct monitor.

Thanks, Regards, Rodrigo

Bogdan Polishchuk
Posts: 4102
Joined: 04/04/2012
Posted: 02/18/2025 07:54:57
Hello, Rodrigo

Thank you for contacting us.

Could it be added an option to fix a chosen app to open in a monitor by it’s name, ID, rather than  only 1, 2 or three?
We'll consider adding such ability and post here if it's added.

For now as workaround for this situation you can create two separate configurations for each monitors number order, create backup files of these configurations and restore the respective configuration when the order has changed (Actual Tools program configuration module > Tools > Configuration > Backup/Restore).

Best regards.

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