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Topic: «Active Program Taskbar Icons , Taskbar icons do not reflect the current program state in AWM » on forum: Technical Support   Views: 926
Jon Albright

Posts: 35
Joined: 01/04/2019
Posted: 12/27/2024 01:24:32
OS:  Windows 11 Pro 24H2
AWM: 8.15.2
Is there a setting in AWM v8.15.2 to always show the current status of the taskbar icons when a program is running?  Currently, I have for example, Microsoft Outlook assigned to live in Monitor 1 of Desktop 6 (7 virtual desktops defined for each of (3) monitors).  As long as this desktop is showing, the taskbar icon is "lit" & any new email that arrives reflects the email icon but, if a different desktop i.e. desktop #1 of this monitor is showing then the status of Outlook is not "lit" & no indication of new email is ever shown.  The same thing occurs with multiple programs, some even have the taskbar icon disappear.
Bogdan Polishchuk
Posts: 4110
Joined: 04/04/2012
Posted: 12/30/2024 08:22:33
Hello, Jon

Thank you for contacting us.

Only taskbar buttons of the programs which are on the currently active virtual desktop should be displayed on the taskbar (with some exceptions though, for example if the program is not affected by AWM at all or UWP applications on a Windows native taskbar).

Do you have an AWM taskbar on this monitor or a Windows standard taskbar?

Is Outlook window (and other programs you have this problem with) displayed on every virtual desktop on this monitor? Did you set it to be displayed this way or it's just displayed like this?

Best regards.
Jon Albright

Posts: 35
Joined: 01/04/2019
Posted: 12/30/2024 23:39:13
Do you have an AWM taskbar on this monitor or a Windows standard taskbar?

I believe the taskbars on all three monitors are a Windows standard taskbar.

Is Outlook window (and other programs you have this problem with) displayed on every virtual desktop on this monitor? Did you set it to be displayed this way or it's just displayed like this?

No, they are displayed on the monitor that I have them assigned to.  I do have a couple programs that are set for all monitors & they seem to be fine.  The program icons are always visible on all desktops, they just do not reflect any of the activity I look for.... outlook new mail will change the taskbar icon to show a envelope for example.
Bogdan Polishchuk
Posts: 4110
Joined: 04/04/2012
Posted: 01/09/2025 07:18:43
It seems like taskbar button for Outlook is displayed in every virtual desktop because it's a UWP version of Outlook. Could you please specify the version of Outlook you're running (File > Office Account > About Outlook)?

Like I wrote above, this is an exception and normally taskbar buttons of applications from other virtual dekstops shouldn't be displayed in the taskbar at all. Although we'll see whether it's easy to make the button have lit status in all virtual desktops and maybe implement this.

Could you also send a screenshot displaying a lit taskbar button and the new email icon so that I know exactly what you're talking about.
Jon Albright

Posts: 35
Joined: 01/04/2019
Posted: 01/10/2025 02:57:26
It seems like taskbar button for Outlook is displayed in every virtual desktop because it's a UWP version of Outlook. Could you please specify the version of Outlook you're running (File > Office Account > About Outlook)?

The current version of Outlook installed with my current subscription to M365 is Version:  2411 (Build 18227.20162 Click-to-run)

this is an exception and normally taskbar buttons of applications from other virtual dekstops shouldn't be displayed in the taskbar at all. Although we'll see whether it's easy to make the button have lit status in all virtual desktops and maybe implement this.

I don't mind all the program icons showing in every desktop, in fact I pretty much prefer it.  I hope to be able to see the email icons (i use two email clients M365 Outlook & EM Client) light up as they typically do when new email arrives without AWM running .  I prefer to have AWM running but I miss responding to some email if I am not already expecting it..

send a screenshot displaying a lit taskbar button and the new email icon

These are the "lit" icons when new mail arrives.  The icon on the left is M365 Outlook, the one on the right is EM Client.

Bogdan Polishchuk
Posts: 4110
Joined: 04/04/2012
Posted: 01/12/2025 09:49:03
Could you see what window parameters do the Outlook window have in your case: create new specific settings in the AWM configuration module, then use the crosshair tool to point to the Outlook window and release the crosshair while it's over the window. The window parameters values (Program, Window Class, Caption) should be automatically put into the fields in the Target Window section of the specific settings. Let me know what they are.

Also tell how exactly Outlook was installed on your computer - was it installed from MS store?
Jon Albright

Posts: 35
Joined: 01/04/2019
Posted: 01/14/2025 23:16:32
create new specific settings in the AWM configuration module,
The parameters are Window Class:  rctrl_renwnd32
Program:  C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\root\Office16\OUTLOOK.EXE

Also tell how exactly Outlook was installed on your computer - was it installed from MS store?
It is not the Outlook program that is installed from the MS store.  The program was installed from the Microsoft365 portal, this is the Outlook program that is installed with a Microsoft365 subscription & connects directly with a online Microsoft Exchange server.

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