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Topic: «graphics & transparency » on forum: Window Rules, or Tips and Tricks   Views: 15217
Posts: 10
Joined: 03/02/2006
Posted: 05/31/2007 14:24:57
I havn't posted on this forum in quite some time, but use AWM DAILY. it is my swiss army knife for finding solutions to many processes that I would be very hard pressed to do otherwise.

I'm an intuitive graphic artist who likes to eyeball things to get the right look, rather than precise measurements. toggling between 2 transparent windows set at varying percentages I can create an onion skin effect. this is most useful between incompatible programs such as an irfanview pane and a flash app in a browser. I use lighttables and other transparencies in my physical, analog approach to art and AWM helps facilitate the same process on the computer.

I'm sure I've gone on at length at how I use it for emails, text files, messages, and any other manner of programs, but wanted to describe the usefulness of this program in my creative processes as well.
Posts: 10
Joined: 03/02/2006
Posted: 07/01/2007 10:11:11
by request from Alex I made a series of screenshots describing the process. this is using a scanned pencil drawing open in irfanview and the facebook graffiti application which is a flash interface.

this first pic shows irfanview transparent with pushpin. I'm resizing the image to fit inside the flash window. awm is useful for enlarging or shrinking an image to fit an intended canvas.

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now that the image is resized and lined up, things are reversed with the browser transparent and on top with the irfanview viewer opaque and underneath.

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transparency is checked off and I have a light 'pencil' image to work with now on the flash canvas

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a bit later it's coloured in!

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there's many ways that you can use awm for graphic purposes, it acts as an impromptu light table and you can trace between otherwise incompatible applications.


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