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Topic: «BRANDNEW JULY 2005 Test: FREE or CHEAP Tool Musts! , Full description of new link tips on my WinCustomize Page » on forum: Window Rules, or Tips and Tricks   Views: 18977
Posted: 06/26/2005 14:59:38
By Tobiel Sayre on his TAXIFUNK Joe User Site

Hey, you skinners and window managing program lovers, how´s life? Don´t you also sometimes think on one forum, skinning must be this
planet´s only meaning of life, while on your favorite window managing program´s forums, nobody cares to mention skinning and vice versa?

Your desktop and your OTHER WINDOWS are already above average or soon will be, if you care to read things like these, but then some
people are thus ONLY FEW STEPS away from elevating the customization of their skins and window looks sublimely once more by
COMBINING worlds like these and getting another dimension out of all the work, time, even some money already invested into
daily improvements of their theme´s behavior.

LOOKS are not just a CRAZY TEENAGE BATMAN skinning freak´s overdone hobby only enabled by their parents paying for their cost
of living while they are showing off on some page or forum, too shy to ask a nice lady from next door over to dinner and instead using
SMSs, webcam´s, mails, blogs, sites & posts trying to imply that they are an important administrator and BATMAN was really their thing
in the first place, although their alias does not want to be associated with batman´s real birthday.

NO! A stock broker or advanced home user running more than 10 windows or macros at once, thinking he neither should spend time or
money messing around with skin tools or effects, would have a SECURE FUNCTIONAL INDICATOR for what each loop is doing now
depending on HOW HIS WINDOW is currently DISPLAYED! Even which skin it is using helps discerning what macro or program it
is, and instead of randomizing WINDOWFX´s effects for animations and/or transitions, they should make a window CRUMBLE or
MELT when minimized, and CLOSE ELEVATOR DOOR like when restored.

For doing and combining these things, I have collected and updated an extensive and growing link collection on my WinCustomize page,
because here I have more space than on my Joe User page, which is better for displaying my articles etc.

That list was and is more work than I thought, because you can imagine I had to re-, re- de-, and install many free or unfree things to
find not only BAD things not mentioned here at all, but also GOOD ONES not mentioned here either, reason being, I can only use and
combine up to 3 or 5 tools SIMULTANEOUSLY for the same thing at once on my PC, and those will be kept up to date and
retested + recommended here only.

So I decided to make an article for my other pages and external forums readers to see what they can click on directly and
see more about on my WinCustomize or Joe User page.

To go there, click on the link which also can be on the bottom of this article SATYROBE/TAXIFUNKs WinCustomize Page

If reading my sites as an unregistered user is too addridden, either create a free or registered account an or
wincustomize or, or E-mail your comment or question directly to me instead:

And now for the test results:

free odd sounds loop Embarassings sounds to record are played here automatically. Assign these to error warnings in your sound schemes or spice up skins and joke program or macro loops with parts of this thing. Or chuckle + exit. Loads each sound a while, exit on repeat only

Need another pe(s)t? Exact statistics on how much wood woodchucks really can chuck with nice illustration

Satyrobes Frogboy Tip Dated funny show of aggressive salesman pushing windows 1.0 in loud jacket screaming (loads first)

My OWN current sites
Joe User site of mine Different layout and links, better for reading my articles, no photo album

My WinCustomize Gallery + Tooltests Photo Album illustrating current and even future projects not depictable in my Joe User site. Also has much more descriptions on recommended links I tested and updated, less space for my articles than Joe user page, go there for my articles

Must free/cheap tools for my tricks
Actual Window Manager tool suite 6 tools also available separately cheap. Best window manager, and you do need one. Getting the suite saves even more, try everything free for 14 days. I even combine several managing programs. See Tweak Window

Key text program Automatic mouse clicking and dragging macros you make to do things automatically inside your skins; free or pro version available

Skin Studio free or Professional Tired of just downloading and changing to new skins? Make your own in 64 bit with glowing buttons, animated title bars etc. Then apply with WindowBlinds. If you like the free versions, save a lot getting Object Desktops whole suite

The Natural Desktop Great season + daytime dependent wallpaper randomizer. Cheap. Current version must go online once to work offline right. Bugfix didn´t help yet. Still cool with weather dependent SOUNDS and INTERFACE and FORECAST and so forth

Wallpapercycler 2.1 lite, 3.0 lite + pro More powerful than Natural Desktop for season paper changing subfeatures, no season sounds, no weather report, only old lite version changes active walls also, pro bevels with calendar etc. Lites are free


Winsound (free) Give each window a skinindependent different sound(german page, just go freeware/downloads/winsound/etc. and also download runtime if necessary). Bad spy programs must be told this is not the worm winsound.exe!

Winwall 2.1 6 Star rated FREE and SUPERPOWERFUL wallpaper changer with custom texts and many features. ONLY FOR DESKTOP WINDOW. NO SEASON GROUPS. Many effects. No bugs at all. You should combine several tools anyway.

My external tips and articles
Actual tools forum See their forum list for tricks and tips of mine and other users when adding window resizing, minimizing, guarding and more transparency opts. than skinning allows to your themes with window managing programs. Your wish is their command!

Free and cheap things for YOUR Webpage
2000clipart Htm Url page Hover over your favorite clipart in their free section, click properties + copy it´s htm´s URL to your blog where u press I for Image. Nice rose in your article etc. Only costs a thank you link to their site. Looks nice, cuts out HTML editing for pics

Have a nice time, and if anything above is worth clicking on directly go to

:D My Site for Photos & full link descriptions

and click on it there! See you, SATYROBE
User added an image

Tobiel Sayre

home user/amateur skinner
Posts: 37
Joined: 07/14/2005
Posted: 08/07/2005 15:58:59
Dear Michael, could you delete this topic (my dated tooltest up there, including this reply) for me? When you compare hashes, you will find it is really mine. Sorry I posted so much unregistered. Would be glad to clean up or update my other guest posts as well with my new editors, only I would have to know whether to stay in this code or switch to HTML, both of which are fine. This tooltest is the one most worth removing or correcting also because it has fully functional links with a user ID I am trying to avoid though. Sorry, these were typical newbie slipups!

SATYROBE/TAXIFUNK/Tobiel Sayre registered user; non-staff

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