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Topic: «High Praise for Actual Window Manager 4.0 , A Rave Review of AWM 4.0 Alpha » on forum: General   Views: 10153
Steve Hobberstad
Posts: 4
Joined: 09/27/2005
Posted: 01/13/2006 17:26:08
It's been my privilege to participate in Alpha testing the upcoming release of ActualTools' flagship product Actual Window Manager 4.0.  As a veteran computer professional with nearly thirty years in the field I'm always looking for tips, tricks, hacks and apps to make my work more productive while simplifying the job--simultaneously tempering this interest with the realization that each resident task (regardless of CPU speed and available RAM) must be able to pull its own weight in clock cycles to be truly valuable.  In my opinion Actual Window Manager is the Arnold Schwarzenegger of Windows utilities in this regard!

As a newly registered owner of Actual Title Buttons 3x I was delighted to discover what this "little brother" of Actual Window Manager was capable of--quickly establishing and fine-tuning rules for the majority of applications on my system; and while the functionality offered by Actual Title Buttons was at least three or four times greater than that of Windows' simple Minimize, Restore and Close buttons, the capabilities of Actual Window Manager 4.0 are magnitudes greater still.  The guys at ActualTools have some very nice enhancements in store for us with the upcoming release of AWM 4.0, which I have already come to view as an integral and indispensable part of the Windows OS.

Lastly, but by no means least: customer support for ActualTools' products is unequivocally superlative!  While experiencing an especially perplexing issue their technical staff hung right in there with me, offering suggestions and analyzing INI files above and beyond the call of duty...particularly considering the fact that the problem stemmed from one of Microsoft's own services and had nothing at all to do with an ActualTools application. (See Is CTFMON.EXE Screwing Up Your System?)

If I sound like an employee of the company, I'm not.  Just a very enthusiastic customer anxiously awaiting the release of Actual Window Manager 4.0!
Alexey Fadeyev

Posts: 1451
Joined: 09/30/2005
Posted: 01/16/2006 04:56:50
Steve, great thanks for such a rave review! I'm afraid that despite the fact you tried to convince everybody you're not our employee, many forum readers won't believe you. :)

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