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Topic: «Using Actual Transparent Window & Windowblinds - Okay except... » on forum: General   Views: 16329
Joshua Pabon
Posts: 5
Joined: 07/17/2006
Posted: 07/17/2006 13:50:38
I've been using Actual Transparent Window with Windowblinds 4.5 and I've been pleasantly surprised by how well it's been going. The ONLY thing I wish I could do something about (and maybe I can, I'm just not aware of it) is the 'Make Transparent' button that Actual Transparent Window inserts automatically on all window title bars. My Windowblinds skin has some extra controls in the upper right hand corner of the window which are being partially blocked by the 'Make Transparent' button of Actual Transparent Window.

Is there a way to hide the 'Make Transparent' button, or maybe get it to appear in another spot on the title bar (like two inches to the left)?

Thanks in advance...!
Great product, btw:)

Alexey Fadeyev

Posts: 1452
Joined: 09/30/2005
Posted: 07/18/2006 01:38:12
Thank you very much for your interest to our software. Of course, there's an option either for removing extra buttons totally or to shift them left or right from the default position.

To shift the buttons:

1) run the Actual Transparent Window configuration (either via the Start Menu or via the ATW tray icon's double-click)

2) select "All Windows" item in the left treeview

3) select "Title Buttons" button in the right pane

4) fill the "Shift the buttons" option with an appropriate value (1 or 2 should be enough)

5) click "File -> Save" in the Main Menu to apply your changes

To remove the buttons:

1) run the Actual Transparent Window configuration (either via the Start Menu or via the ATW tray icon's double-click)

2) select "All Windows" item in the left treeview

3) select "Title Buttons" button in the right pane

4) click the "Disable ALL the title buttons" button (that one with the empty checkboxes icon)

5) click "File -> Save" in the Main Menu to apply your changes
Tobiel Sayre

home user/amateur skinner
Posts: 37
Joined: 07/14/2005
Posted: 08/02/2006 11:55:43
Although I am sure shifting fixes this best, 2 more things:

1.) It is ALSO possible to disable ONLY the buttons you want, for example you can disable ONLY the transparency  title button by unticking its box under title buttons and saving rule, no matter whether you prefer doing that for all or just inside certain windows own rules

2.) No matter which WindowBlinds version you are using, as you may have noticed, some SKINS, but not all of them are set to minimize window when double or right clicking title bar. Depending on ActWinMan settings, and whether inside those you have tried to create a rule for lets say applying transparency change on double-click of title bar, that setting might get an override from the specific WB skin instructed to do otherwise on that same command.

This can either be fixed by reskinning the WB skin with skinstudio (not always possible and a greater effort), or you can just set up ActWinMan Rules considering this could happen that comply some reasonable way (for instance, setting ActWinMan to generally not use changes on double click of t-bar).

If you often make crucial changes between wb skins some of which have different title bar options on double-click, and some of which don´t and really want that double-click to work on all of em as desired, you could still create 2 different whole rule sets and im- and export them when switching skins (requires ActWinMan version of 4.0 or higher).

SATYROBE/TAXIFUNK/Tobiel Sayre registered user; non-staff

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