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Topic: «show all programs in all virtual desktop in taskbar » on forum: General   Views: 10367
fang fang
Posts: 2
Joined: 02/11/2020
Posted: 02/11/2020 15:25:37

i have been looking for a good replacement for Dexpot in win 10 and i just found Actual Virtual Desktops. it looks quite promising so far. :D  

but i can't figure out how to show all the program running in all virtual desktops in windows task bar for quick and easy access.
it only shows the program running on the current virtual desktop.

is it possible to do that in Actual Virtual Desktops?
Alex Fadeyev

Posts: 1451
Joined: 09/30/2005
Posted: 02/11/2020 19:30:03
Hi fang fang,

Thank you for your interest to our software.

Unfortunately, right now there's no ability to show the VD switcher in the Windows taskbar.

However, we are currently working on this issue so it's very likely that such ability will appear in the near future updates of AVD. Stay tuned! :)
fang fang
Posts: 2
Joined: 02/11/2020
Posted: 02/12/2020 15:28:24
thank you for your response.
it really good to know you guys will still add new feature in this software.

english is not my native language  , so perhaps i didn't explain it well in my last post.
it's cool to have a VD switcher in windows taskbar like a tray icon or something.
but what i mean is, just show all the current running programs in the windows taskbar.

for example, if i am running office word and chrome. i send chrome to VD2 and keep word in VD1.
in VD1 i can only see office word in windows taskbar. i have to switch to VD2 to see chrome in the taskbar.
i wish it could show both office and chrome in all VDs taskbar with windows built-in peak function.
so while you hover your mouse on the taskbar icon, you can see the live preview of that program.
just like the normal windows behavior but with multi virtual desktop environment.

i hope you can understand what i am saying :D
Alex Fadeyev

Posts: 1451
Joined: 09/30/2005
Posted: 02/13/2020 20:46:20
Yes, I believe I understand what you're saying :)

1. VD Switcher also supports the Peek function.

2. You can try toggling VD Switcher via hotkey (by default Alt-`, alt + back quote) to quickly observe all your VDs. It's well combined with the Show the switcher near the mouse pointer option.

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