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Topic: «AWM behaviour on exit , Why doesn't it bring back trayed windows? » on forum: General   Views: 8039
Registered user
Posts: 41
Joined: 01/30/2007
Posted: 03/28/2008 13:33:31
I've just had a following situation: I had a copy of IE trayed by AWM. Accidentially I closed the AWM. My IE process was still hanging in process explorer and the tray icon dissapeared. So what AWM did is just quit, hiding the tray icon of course. Is there a chance you could make AWM behave like DM2, the open source program I used to use for tray-purposes. There, if I had any hidden windows or trayed windows, if I close DM2 (or there was a program error), it would bring back ANY hidden or trayed windows that I touched using it. Any chance this could be done in AWM too? Because the situation I had above, I actually had before quite a lot of times ;/

OS: Windows 7 SP1 x64 Ultimate
Michael Rezvanov
Posts: 387
Joined: 01/31/2007
Posted: 03/30/2008 22:37:17
That's quite strange.

See, the AWM is designed to unhide any previously hidden or minimized to tray window upon the correct exit (I mean normal exit via AWM's Exit in the popup menu).
If you've encountered some situations when windows are not restored correctly, could you please try to reproduce the same error and send us a step-by-step guide describing how to reproduce the same issue on our testing machines?

As for the AWM's crash, indeed, the AWM cannot restore minimized windows if they are terminated by error, or simply killed in the Task Manager. But, as far as we are concerned, no other window-managing applications is capable to restore any window in such critical situations.

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