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Topic: «AWM Problem , Full screen games » on forum: General   Views: 5668
Craig Bradshaw
Posts: 12
Joined: 09/01/2012
Posted: 09/01/2012 08:58:15
Hi all,

I bought AWM as I'd been using it as a trial and loved it.

However now I've bought it, I've found an issue.  I used it to make sure that my FIFA.exe game stays full screen regardless of any calls or clicks elsewhere on my dual screen setup.  It seems to work, but only the first time I run the game.  If I run the game, quit, and then re-run, it seems to allow presses on other monitors to minimise the full screen game.

Basically I added a specific setting for the game, with the Startup setting, "Ignore deactivation"

Anyone got any idea why it doesn't work when I subsequently launch the game?

I am having to quit AWM and re-launch to make this work.

Thanks in advance.
Craig Bradshaw
Posts: 12
Joined: 09/01/2012
Posted: 09/09/2012 10:28:43
Nobody - lots of views, but nobody wants to help?
Bogdan Polishchuk
Posts: 4106
Joined: 04/04/2012
Posted: 09/25/2012 02:47:48
Hello Craig.

Please do the following:
- Launch Actual Window Manager
- In the notification area (system tray) context menu for Actual Window Manager (right click on the Actual Window Manager icon) select “Logging” and then “Enable logging”
- In the same context menu select Logging > Show Log Window. It opens the Log window, where Actual Window Manager displays the windows which it tracks, Settings that are applied to these windows etc.
- If the window contains some entries, then right-click the working area and select the “Clear Log” item.
- When the log window is clear, launch FIFA for the first time and close it. New entry must appear in the log window containing name of the window and the settings that are applied to it.
- Then launch FIFA again and check whether the new entries appear in the log window and what setting are applied to it.
- Send us the info about these entries. You can just make a screenshot of the log window and send us.

Best regards,
Bogdan P.

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