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Topic: «AWM 5.4b2 initial impressions » on forum: Beta Testing   Views: 7173
David Lomas
Posts: 377
Joined: 03/16/2006
Posted: 06/09/2009 09:23:08
Really like some of the new features - the tabbed config window is great, and the icons look fine to me - I tend to go by positioning once I've learnt where things are, rather than look at the actual icons though. But whilst we're on that subject, a 'preview' for the screen saver as per the normal dialogue box would be nice...

The window thumbnails are, as you said, prone to glitches. I'm on a dual-head (1600x1200) XPSP3 machine, but getting reliable thumbnails on the taskbar (primary or secondary) is not easy. Sometimes, I just don't get anything. Sometimes I get, for example, the attached, where I get a much enlarged version of the tooltip from within the application - this only happens if the app is minimised. Sometimes I get a thumbnail with missing content (e.g. Photoshop always seems to show an empty canvas, even when I have a file open). Sometimes I get a perfectly formed window thumbnail :). Same on task bar and in the Virtual Desktop Switcher.

The duplicated Alt-Tab window list is great, although it appears at a different vertical position on the secondary monitor, and I get different icons in the Alt-Tab window and the Virtual Switcher. For example, when I hit Alt-Tab, I get 2 Firefox icons and one of everything else. In Virtual Switcher, I only have 1 Firefox icon, but Photoshop displays 2. I can only assume this is some strange interaction between apps that open hidden windows to provide some extra functionality, rather than real user interaction. I am using the Alt-Tab Replacement Powertoy (see here), so maybe that interacts badly.

That's it for now - keep up the great work! Will send more if/when I can.




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