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Topic: «Beta 3 of Actual Window Manager 6.4 and Actual Multiple Monitors 3.1 , Backup/restore configuration, undo/redo in the Configuration window » on forum: Beta Testing   Views: 9734
Alex Fadeyev

Posts: 1452
Joined: 09/30/2005
Posted: 01/28/2011 04:34:41
Hi, everyone!

I'm glad to inform you that our Beta Testing section has been updated: beta 3 of Actual Window Manager 6.4 and Actual Multiple Monitors 3.1 are available there for downloading and testing.

Backup/Restore the Configuration Settings

This facility provides you the quick way to store your settings on a backup device or transfer them to another machine. Below you can see how you can invoke both commands in the Configuration window:

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After invoking the Backup command, you will see the general Save As dialog where you should specify the folder to store the backup file and the file's name. The Restore command opens the general Open dialog where you can select the backup file created before.

Undo/Redo Commands in the Configuration Window

This feature is quite familiar for any Windows user and used widely in all kind of editors - now it's available in Actual Tools Configuration dialogs. Below you can see how you can invoke both commands in the Configuration window:

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The Undo command can also be invoked using the hotkey combinations Ctrl-Z or Alt-Backspace ; the Redo command is available via Ctrl-Y or Shift-Ctrl-Z .

Minor Fixes and Improvements

Happy testing! :D

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