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Topic: «installing new beta , install and settings » on forum: Beta Testing   Views: 11985
Posts: 10
Joined: 03/02/2006
Posted: 03/13/2006 14:18:04
Hi Alexey,

I've installed the new beta and so far so good, there was no problems with the transition. I tried the import previous settings and it detected my custom rules and put them all in place, works great!

I have to look at web pages at various resolutions several times a day so having the resize button with some presets just on different browser apps is perfect.

I'm curious about something, under rule settings for transparency and rollup, there are 'add-ins' for stay on top and ghost ( g. just for t. ), and checking off stay on top for both I didn't see any affect? Tried on an email message and a notepad doc and was assuming that once you press the trans. button ( or the rollup ) that the pushpin would automatically activiate?

Also since you have some priority settings, mabye a quick faq on how this effects programs. It could be very brief as there are lots of online references to this, and in the faq suggest just that for the user to look into that if they need more info.

I like the change window title on startup, but would be nice if that could be changed dynamically. I was seeing how this would affect browsers as it titles the window with the browser and page name.

I named Firefox 'pie pie' and IE 'pie'  Firefox adopted pie pie as it's title but then dropped it after I searched a page on google and IE didn't adopt pie at all.

cheers, Joseph
Alexey Fadeyev

Posts: 1452
Joined: 09/30/2005
Posted: 03/14/2006 02:35:19
Hi Joseph,

Greet a first post about beta 2! :)

there are 'add-ins' for stay on top and ghost ( g. just for t. )
You are right, these 'add-ins' mean turning on the proper states synchronously with the transparency/rollup. It's strange you didn't see any effect, I've checked transparency add-ins just now for the Notepad window and they are working as they should be.

Also since you have some priority settings, mabye a quick faq on how this effects programs.
Well, I'll update my FAQ topic on this forum accordingly to this your suggestion.

I like the change window title on startup, but would be nice if that could be changed dynamically.
We plan to add the ways to change window title interactively, i.e. special title button/window menu command.

IE didn't adopt pie at all.
What version of IE did you try?

Thanks for the feedback (hope not the last one ;)).
Posts: 10
Joined: 03/02/2006
Posted: 03/15/2006 14:33:32
Hi Alexey,

I think that I discovered the problem with the add-ins. I'd like to use them on all-windows, and tried making it a setting for just notepad and it works great on a per-application basis!  Could you see if the rule works on all-windows? In the meantime I'll set rules for the specific apps that I use this feature on, looks great!

What version of IE did you try?

I used IE vs: 6.0.2900.2180.xpsp_sp2_gdr.050301-1519 for this test. Not sure if that's the latest available or not, I generally use Firefox for browsing, or other tabbed alternatives. I did notice that the title seemed to adopt the pre-defined title after some time, but not sure what triggered it. But whenever I switched pages it went back to app name/page name format.

This version is working great on office pc and will test it out on home pc later this week. The new faq on priority settings reads well, just the right amount of info on the subject.

Is there a new feature in the custom rules settings where the application's icon is displayed next to the rule title?  I imported my previous rules, and was noticing that there were no buttons on my web browser. I looked at the Target Window page in AWM config and noticed that Window Caption was checked off, which was page specific so when I made the rule. Unchecking it applied the rule and buttons showed up, and noticed that now there was an icon of the browser beside that rule. Not sure if that's new or not, but it's a nice visual clue. And this might indicate something with importing rules, not sure.

cheers, Joseph
Posts: 10
Joined: 03/02/2006
Posted: 03/15/2006 14:57:21
I notice that on Outlook Express email letters and msn messenger pms that the transparency and rollup add-ins are not applying.

I'd also recommend add-ins for ghost as well, along the same lines as the other two, a rollup and transparency.

For rollup I frequently apply transparency as well, so would be checking off that option if it was in add-ins too.

This seems like an easy way to configure AWM to work on a preferential basis, different people would want to use these combos in different ways, and this way there's no sticky custom button widgets ( which I'm sure introduces lots of interaction complications )

Would duplicating addins for ghost conflict with addins on another button? Say if you had trans always on for ghost, but had rollup always on for trans. Then you press the ghost button and the window goes transparent. Would it then rollup because you checked off the addin for rollup under transparency? Or would addins be exclusive rules that only apply when you press those specific buttons. It's confusing me just to write this down, so hope you understand that  ;)

I'm not sure if this has been suggested before, but the ability to change the order of the way that buttons display?  If given that option I probably would put pushpin at most left, then trans, rollup, {ghost, resize : when used } min to tray. Sort of on a most used basis.

cheers, Joseph
Alexey Fadeyev

Posts: 1452
Joined: 09/30/2005
Posted: 03/23/2006 07:43:26

I notice that on Outlook Express email letters and msn messenger pms that the transparency and rollup add-ins are not applying.
Please clarify this your statement. I've just checked both window types for all kinds of add-ins, and they work fine. So could you check it again or provide more exact problem description?

Would duplicating addins for ghost conflict with addins on another button? Say if you had trans always on for ghost, but had rollup always on for trans. Then you press the ghost button and the window goes transparent. Would it then rollup because you checked off the addin for rollup under transparency? Or would addins be exclusive rules that only apply when you press those specific buttons. It's confusing me just to write this down, so hope you understand that
I hope too. :) Now add-ins depend on a corresponding window state, not a way you've used to get the effect. Thus, in your example pressing the ghost button will result in making a window transparent and rolled up together.

I'd also recommend add-ins for ghost as well, along the same lines as the other two, a rollup and transparency.
Currently we see no need in this ability. We suppose the transparency and rollup are much more usable features, at least now. If there is a significant number of like requests, of course, we'll add this feature.

I'm not sure if this has been suggested before, but the ability to change the order of the way that buttons display?
Yes, this ability was requested many times and it will be implemented but not in 4.0. Please be patient.
Posts: 10
Joined: 03/02/2006
Posted: 03/24/2006 15:16:21
Hi Alexey,

Please clarify this your statement. I've just checked both window types for all kinds of add-ins, and they work fine. So could you check it again or provide more exact problem description?

it's working now!  the custom rule I made was still in place but the checkboxes were unmarked, odd since I remember trying many combinations and seeing what worked and what didn't.

thanks for clarifying my question about add-ins adopting another button's add-ins, I think that makes sense!

so far after about 10 days using beta2 it's running great with daily use of almost every feature, but will continue to try and break it in unique ways ;)

cheers, Joseph
Posts: 10
Joined: 03/02/2006
Posted: 03/24/2006 17:55:15
correction, it's not working on one of my computers, but working fine on the other. both are running winxp sp2 and pretty much all the same apps. I'm not running any extra gui apps that would interfere with this that come to mind, let me know how I should proceed to troubleshoot this?
Alexey Fadeyev

Posts: 1452
Joined: 09/30/2005
Posted: 03/29/2006 03:18:45
Joseph, it's very strange. I think you should send me both the configurations (if they are different) and specify the problematic window rule. Also it would be nice if you provide the exact description of your actions to re-produce the problem. Thanks in advance.

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