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Topic: «Bugs in Window Manager 8.9 beta 1 » on forum: Beta Testing   Views: 8495
Tobias Stengg
Posts: 12
Joined: 07/05/2016
Posted: 07/07/2016 01:59:27
I was testing 2 features, which do not work for me in the current release.

My setup:
3 screens on Windows 8.1 Pro N.
I run Actual Window Manager as Administrator.

Resizing modern apps problem:
If you resize a modern app and focus another windows for some time on the same screen (multi screen setup) the modern app crashes and you have to reopen it.
You can only close the modern app. Nothing else works.

Also, if you close a windowed modern app it is still open in the taskbar.

Using this with the crtl shortcut sometimes causes my crtl key to hang.
Then I have to reboot my system, because every click and keypress is done with a virtual pressed crtl key.

Activate window on mouse hover problem:
I also have some problems with the section mouse - options.
I activated the feature to activate windows which I hover / mouse over.
I also activated to bringt the activated window to foreground.

If this is active I sometimes cannot enter my notifications in the taskbar anymore.
If I click the up-arrow to show all notifications it immediately once I move the mouse away from the up-arrow.

Using pause or closing Actual Window Manger does not interrupt the mouse hover feature.

I hope you can fix these bugs someday, because I think it is a great software.
Tobias Stengg
Posts: 12
Joined: 07/05/2016
Posted: 07/07/2016 14:31:07
I am noticing a very interesting behavior.
I already disabled the active windows mouse hover features, but it still persists in VMWare.
On my host system this feature is not active anymore, but it is still active in my virtual machine.
How can I disable it there?
Tobias Stengg
Posts: 12
Joined: 07/05/2016
Posted: 07/07/2016 14:37:06
I just switched the language of Window Manager to English.
These are the correct English names of the features I talk about:
"Mouse" - "Options" - "Active windows on mouse hover" and "Bring activated window to front"
"Hotkeys" - "Actions" - "All" - "Toggle windowed mode for a Modern app"

Features that work fine:
"Hotkeys" - "Numpad" - "Enabled quick window alignment" -> I love this feature!
"Layout and Snap" works fine. This is also a great feature.
Bogdan Polishchuk
Posts: 4099
Joined: 04/04/2012
Posted: 07/08/2016 19:09:33
Hello, Tobias

If you resize a modern app and focus another windows for some time on the same screen (multi screen setup) the modern app crashes and you have to reopen it.
With what exactly Modern Apps does this happen? Could you give me examples of such applications?

Using this with the crtl shortcut sometimes causes my crtl key to hang.
Are you talking about the "Toggle window moede" action? Does it happen with other actions' hotkeys?

Using pause or closing Actual Window Manger does not interrupt the mouse hover feature
Do you mean the problem appears even when Actual Window Manager is not running?

On my host system this feature is not active anymore, but it is still active in my virtual machine.
Is Actual Window Manager installed on the virtual machine? How are the virtual machine windows presented in your system and how Active windows on mouse hover" and "Bring activated window to front" manifest themselves with these windows?
Tobias Stengg
Posts: 12
Joined: 07/05/2016
Posted: 07/08/2016 20:31:01
Hello Bogdan!

Nice to see you here  :)
1) It happens with the "PC Settings".
2) I am afraid I have to do more tests for this. It randomly occurred while testing number 1.
3 & 4) Yes. I have a very strange behavior here on my system.
Window Manager is installed, but does not start on boot, because I start it as admin after that.
Some features do not work if I do not start as admin.

It seems like the "Active windows on mouse hover" and "Bring activated window to front"  is active somewhere in the system itself.

Currently I am facing this beh * avior:
I start my PC. Window Manager is not started yet (by hand as admin).
The feature "Active windows on mouse hover" and "Bring activated window to front" is active!
Now I start Window Manager as admin.
After starting Window Manager the feature is not active anymore, because it is disabled.

If I active this feature in Window Manger, it does not care if Window Manager is running or closed or paused.

It seems like the feature is active independently of Window Manager, but Window Manager overrules it once Window Manager is started.

I do not use Window Manager in my virtual machine. It seems like this feature is active in some deep space of the system. VMWare tools does forward commands from the host to the guest.
Tobias Stengg
Posts: 12
Joined: 07/05/2016
Posted: 07/08/2016 20:31:47
I could try to make a video of these bugs if this would help.
Alex Fadeyev

Posts: 1452
Joined: 09/30/2005
Posted: 07/09/2016 16:30:00

Actually, all the options in the Mouse-Options panel are just the shortcuts to the internal system features. In other words, we do not implement them - we just provide the interface to activate the system tweaks. That's why their activity does not depend on the fact AWM is running or not - once you enable them, the system begins to work that way all the time until you disable them (either using AWM Configuration or any other system tweaking utility).

And those system tweaks are activated on per-user basis. That's why if you run an app under your actual user account (where those tweaks have been activated) and another app under admin (where they didn't) - the apps behave differently.

Hope this clarifies the matter.
Tobias Stengg
Posts: 12
Joined: 07/05/2016
Posted: 07/10/2016 04:13:19
Thank you for the information! Now I understand :)
Tobias Stengg
Posts: 12
Joined: 07/05/2016
Posted: 07/10/2016 04:20:24
I forgot to mention the resolution of my screens.
I use 3 screens on my desk (I don't have enough space for a 4. screen  :cry: )
28" 4k DisplayPort 1.2, 28" 4k DP 1.2, 24" 1920x1200 DVI with 2 AMD R9 270X (no crossfire).
Tobias Stengg
Posts: 12
Joined: 07/05/2016
Posted: 07/10/2016 04:42:40
Here is an update for the "Toogle windowed mode for a Modern app" feature / Hotkey (in beta 2).
I am using a qwertz keyboard (German, Austria) and it seems to be a problem with the crtl+shift+akut.
I changed the key combination to solve this.

I tried 4 modern apps (Windows 8.1 Pro N) and all of them are shown twice in the taskbar. I attacked an image.
I tried pc settings, mail, photos and store.

The behavior is the same. If I closed the windowed "modern app" it is still open in the taskbar (minimized).
If I click on it it maximizes.

Once the resized modern app loses the focus for some time it crashes. You can only close it nothing else will work.


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