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Topic: «AMM - Profiles don't restore correct refresh rate » on forum: Beta Testing   Views: 4994
Derek Moss
Registered user
Posts: 38
Joined: 09/30/2011
Posted: 10/06/2011 11:43:56
I've got my TV connected via DVI running at 60hz and my monitor connected via VGA running at 85hz.

I've saved profiles with those refresh rates, but when I switch profiles my monitor always goes to 60hz and I have to use Windows 7's settings or CCC to change it back to 85hz.

Even if I was on my "Monitor Only" profile and had changed the refresh rate to 85hz, if I then selected this profile again it would change it back to 60hz.

Since installing AMM 3.4 Beta 1, the problem is partly fixed, in that selecting my "Monitor only" profile does switch to the selected 85hz. However, for the profiles with both my monitor and TV enabled, now I could only select 30hz for the monitor.

I deleted my "Monitor primary" profile and re-created it, and then I could select 85hz for the monitor but it still didn't switch to this and after switching back to my "Monitor only" profile, the box again is blank and only offers me 30hz. When I switch back to "Monitor primary", it does show 85hz again, but it still sets my monitor to 60hz when selecting this profile.
Vasiliy Ivachev
Posts: 2073
Joined: 11/09/2010
Posted: 10/06/2011 21:31:43
Hello Derek,

We can't reproduce this problem on our machines.

Could you send me your configuration files (Actual Multiple Monitors -> Send your configuration files to the Actual Tools technical support)?

Best regards.

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