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Topic: «AWM 6.1 beta 2: "Start Menu" does not work on secondary monitor » on forum: Beta Testing   Views: 6144
Dariusz Tatarski
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Posts: 35
Joined: 04/19/2010
Posted: 05/28/2010 12:41:36
Windows 7 64-bit & AWM 6.1 beta 2.

When the "Start Menu" icon on the secondary taskbar is clicked, the actual "Start Menu" always opens on the primary monitor and never on the secondary one.

This used to work (i.e., clicking the "primary" icon would open the "primary" Start Menu on primary monitor and clicking the "secondary" icon would open the secondary Start Menu on the secondary monitor) in 6.0 and 6.1 beta 1 and now it does not.
Dariusz Tatarski
Registered user

Posts: 35
Joined: 04/19/2010
Posted: 06/01/2010 18:25:11
Mark this as "intermittent"?

I re-installed AWM 6.1 beta 2 trying to check how this affects unrelated issue (title bar buttons in IE 64-bit). Ever since (3 days and counting now) the menu works. Even though the buttons in IE 64-bit that worked for a while after re-install stopped working again, just disappeared 8^)

Looks like, if you re-install every 2 days or so, everything works 8^)

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