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Topic: «[ANN] Beta 5 is delayed until next Monday » on forum: Beta Testing   Views: 54402
Posts: 302
Joined: 07/27/2010
Posted: 08/19/2014 08:23:26
What's so hard about re-releasing 8.2b4 with an updated expiration to cover the necessary time to release beta5? I've been apart of MANY beta groups that have done just that. This isn't rocket science. Soooo..instead of doing that, they put everybody through hell trying to uninstall/reinstall the application.
I guess you haven't been introduced to the term "tricky", it's a tricky process.  ;)

Posts: 302
Joined: 07/27/2010
Posted: 08/19/2014 08:26:05
I was just wondering, what if today happens to be my Groundhog Day.  :o

David Blaine Fullerton
Posts: 8
Joined: 08/20/2013
Posted: 08/19/2014 13:54:17
Thanks to all of you (especially Zardoz2293 and STAFF MEMBER:  Alexander Mihalkin).

I followed these directions and got things fixed (for now until the update):

ActualTools should realize how much people love their software, because you don't
hear a word until there is a problem.  Then, 10,000 people write in, call, email,

That's what used to happen on a prior job when I was released software on a
frequent basis.  I realized that people use the application and care about it
working right.

So, it was a STRANGE WAY to realize that what I did on a daily basis was important.

David Fullerton
:)  :D  ;)
Michael Buchholz

Posts: 5
Joined: 08/19/2014
Posted: 08/19/2014 14:43:11
... I'm sorry if someone ask it also and I'm sorry too that a "new one" have to ask that:

Which Monday is meant for? Next week? Next month? Today is Tuesday, so the "delay" could not be meant yesterday ... is'nt it?!

Don't understand me wrong: I love that tricky tool much, even if I have not written here, because of my ugly english. But some more/correct information will be very fine and prevent topics like this one and some frustration...


... Motorcyclists do not eat honey; the chew bees ...
Posts: 302
Joined: 07/27/2010
Posted: 08/19/2014 22:33:23
Which Monday is meant for? Next week? Next month? Today is Tuesday, so the "delay" could not be meant yesterday ... is'nt it?!
What we know is they are working diligently to provide us a working reliable beta version as as quickly as possible. Software development is very much like being a baker. Sometimes you find the oven wasn't hot enough and you end up with half-baked product.  :evil: All bakers around the world know when that happens it's required to make a new batch and get it perfectly baked for market.  :)

Sure smells good in the kitchen!

Paul W
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Joined: 08/20/2014
Posted: 08/20/2014 00:14:04
I would hope the next beta, when it arrives, handles future versions in a way different to the current one.

Having a defined software expiration seems destined to cause problems such as this one. Now I am not claiming to know the inner workings of AMM, but surely it wouldn't be too difficult to replace whatever expiration code exists currently with a check to your servers to get the latest beta version - if this matches the installed version, keep running. If it doesn't (i.e., if a newer version has been released), prompt for an update.

This as far as I can tell would have avoided the current situation, as the latest version is still listed as beta 4, the version those of us with problems have installed. Under this model the software would have continued running without issue until beta 5 was uploaded and it next queried the server for the latest version.
Michael Buchholz

Posts: 5
Joined: 08/19/2014
Posted: 08/20/2014 00:34:31
YEPP! That's exactly that what I have in my brain. Ty for writing down ;)


... Motorcyclists do not eat honey; the chew bees ...
Pim Joosten
Posts: 549
Joined: 11/11/2010
Posted: 08/20/2014 00:53:21
but surely it wouldn't be too difficult to replace whatever expiration code exists currently with a check to your servers to get the latest beta version - if this matches the installed version, keep running. If it doesn't (i.e., if a newer version has been released), prompt for an upd ate.

For me, that could leave me with an issue: when testing I sometimes revert to an older beta to see whether an issue also exists with that beta. That helps pinpointing the version where the issue started. With the current date check I can just set the date back for testing purposes (e.g. in a virtual machine) to avoid the beta not working. I have actually done this a couple of times.

I do not mean that I am opposed to your suggestion, just pointing out that I cannot test in which beta a particular issue started anymore. I am now going to think about what a good solution would look like...
Chris Miller
Posts: 249
Joined: 08/02/2011
Posted: 08/20/2014 01:19:36
We already have the ability to check for beta updates.  You have to select the option to also look for beta versions.

Besides, the problem isn't checking for a new version, but rather the beta version itself expiring.  I have 8.1.4 installed and have beta option selected, and it's literally offering me the 8.2 beta 4 update, even though we know it expired.  If you do select the option to check for betas, make sure you uncheck the option to automatically install new versions.
Pim Joosten
Posts: 549
Joined: 11/11/2010
Posted: 08/20/2014 22:12:13
We already have the ability to check for beta updates.
I think Paul W meant that checking for updates would also determine whether the installed version is expired or not. In the current situation where beta 4 has expired but there is no new beta available yet, this would mean that beta 4 would not have expired.

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