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Topic: «Window Movement and Manipulation like in Linux , move and resize windows using alt or win key and the mouse » on forum: Feature Requests   Views: 5445
neo max
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Posted: 01/11/2009 18:18:03
Okay, this has been suggested before, but it's the only thing left to be added that will make me buy AWM.

WinMover ( can do this and there are several scripts as well that work on 64bit, but basically...

The user holds ALT or WINKEY and using the left mouse button, can click anywhere on a window, darg it, and let go to place it in the new position.

They can also use the key combination and the RIGHT mouse button to resize a window depending on the nearest corner.

This would be endlessly useful.

And a must-have feature to the window manipulation I have described above, is the ability to make windows snap-to the edge of the screen, and maybe to other windows as well.

I had suggested this via feedback, but I wanted some more input. Winmover is the first app I install when I install my OS, so if I could see it in AWM I could get a lot more use out of it :)


Why should you use WinMover? You probably have move and resized windows with the title bar and the borders before, which worked.
The short answer

You manage windows all the time when working with a computer. But this, the most common task, can only be performed by hitting those tiny tiny borders of the window. WinMover will make you more efficient and lower the requirements on your hand to preciesly navigate the mouse.
Why zero is better than two

Another reason is highlighted in a quote from a book by Joel Spolsky about user interface design:

   As it turns out, there are lots of good reasons why you might want a window exactly at the top of the screen (it maximizes screen real estate), but there aren't any reasons to leave 2 pixels between the top of the screen and the top of the window.

   [...]WinAmp has a great feature. When you start to drag the window near the edge of the screen, coming within a few pixels, it automatically snaps to the edge of the screen perfectly. Which is probably exactly what you wanted, since 0 is so much more likely than 2.

Nobody wants those two pixels, but they are all too common. Why bother wrestling with your mouse to get the window exactly where you want it? WinMover can do it for you, with any window, not just WinAmp.
If the short answer was not enough: Pixel math

The standard windows title bar is 18 pixels high. That means that to move a 800 x 800 pixels big window you have to hit a rectangle of 18 x 800. With WinMover you have the whole 800 x 800 square to hit, which is about 45 times bigger.

It gets even worse when you try to resize the window. To resize a window in two directions, you have to hit a area of 4 x 40. With WinMover, you have a area of 160 000 square pixels to hit, which is a thousand times bigger! One way is easier.
Tatiana Jack
Posts: 616
Joined: 08/06/2008
Posted: 01/11/2009 22:58:58
Thank you for your request.
It is one of our present tasks. We'll try to add this feature on our next version.  

Registered user
Posts: 59
Joined: 09/12/2006
Posted: 01/12/2009 08:01:10
+1. User added an image

Actual Window Manager, ShellToys, Macro Express, AdMuncher,
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