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Topic: «Window management by URL? , Open different web pages in diff locations. » on forum: Feature Requests   Views: 2655
Taran Cross
Posts: 1
Joined: 08/16/2014
Posted: 08/16/2014 05:14:42
We’re wanting something that will not only open programs in preprogrammed locations, but also open different web pages in different locations. Is it possible with Actual Windows Manager to get granular enough to have different locations for different URL’s? Any information would be appreciated.
Thank you!
Alexander Mihalkin

Posts: 502
Joined: 04/21/2014
Posted: 08/18/2014 18:07:16
Thank you for this interesting question, Taran!

You should use window rules functionality provided with Actual Multiple Monitors or Actual Window Manager.

1. Configure your browser to open new windows instead of new tabs (e.g. in Cyberfox it can be done this way: Options->Tabs->uncheck ‘Open new windows in a new tab instead’ checkbox)
2. Create shortcuts for each webpage you need and place them somewhere you can easily access (e.g. pin to Taskbar or to Start menu). To create a webpage shortcut you usually have to drag and drop an icon from an address bar of your browser.
3. Activate the Desktop Divider (DD – here’s how it works) at Actual Window Manager -> Desktop Divider.
4. Create a DD layout, edit tiles the way you like.
5. Create Specific Settings rules (here’s how it works) for each webpage window:
   a. create a new rule at Actual Window Manager -> Window Settings -> Specific Settings;
   b. open it and at the Target Window pane (check out its principles of operation) point one of your webpage windows with either the Window Selector or the Window Finder;
   c. enable the Window caption criterion, select Substring match and in the relevant text field leave some text which will let Actual Window Manager distinguish this particular website window from others;
   d. at the Startup property sheet enable ‘Put into Divider tile’, select the desired layout and the needed tile to put this window into (to use multiple grid layouts you can combine this action with the ‘Move to Virtual Desktop’ action);
   e. apply the adjustments and proceed to creating the next webpage window rule.
6. After you have created rules for each website window, apply the adjustments, close these webpage windows, try to open them again and check if they are automatically placed into desired DD tiles.

I hope this helps and saves your time.

Best regards.

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