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Topic: «mouse / hotkey-bindings - pls change it » on forum: Feature Requests   Views: 13172
Posts: 8
Joined: 11/23/2011
Posted: 11/23/2011 04:50:43
First of all: thx for this great program AWM,
but please change the binding of mouse- and hotkey-triggers from "global-binding" (control center > options > triggers) to a binding on default-settings /exclusions /specific-settings.

the problem is this: i try to use AWM especially for the following scenario:
Programs i want to stay running all the time, so i change the function of the close-button this way:

Firefox / Thunderbird / Mediaplayer and some other programs (Firefox addons lack on support :( / Mediaplayer closed to often accidentally)

windows minimize-button
left click > minimize taskbar (normal windows)
right click > ... (awm-function)

windows maximize-button
left click > maximize (normal windows)
right click > ... (awm-function)

windows close-button
left click > minimize to tray (awm-function)
right click > close (awm-function)

The problem now is, i have to use the mouse-triggers under "control center > options > triggers" to set the close-button functions.
These unfortunately forces all windows to act this way, when the "default-settings" are active, so i have to disable them and can not use AWM for all other windows. not good ;)

If you would change the bindings as above, i could use both "specific" & "default-settings" and use different mouse-/hotkey-triggers for specific programs. much more better


Away from this an other idea:

Would it be possible to make the trayicon-menu configurable for specific programs?
Example thunderbird-functions:

New message (ctrl+N)
Open adressbook (ctrl+shift+B)

Now you can give us an option under "specific-settings" to create this actions in the rightclick-traymenu - name and action (send keystroke to window / run a script) should be free configurable:

Restore window
Close window
___ (and new) ___
New message (send key-combo "ctrl-N" to the window "thunderbird")
Open adressbook (send key-combo "ctrl+shift+B to the window "thunderbird")

thx a lot & and have nice day
by s.tyx

and sry for my english :(

edit: misspellings
Vasiliy Ivachev
Posts: 2073
Joined: 11/09/2010
Posted: 11/23/2011 23:20:55
Hello s.tyx,

Thanks for the post.

We'll consider your requests.

Best regards.
Posts: 8
Joined: 11/23/2011
Posted: 11/24/2011 01:47:08
Hello Vasiliy,

thanks a lot for considering my request.
So i am finally looking forward to get the perfect windowmanager.  :D

bye s.tyx
Posts: 8
Joined: 11/23/2011
Posted: 11/28/2011 03:03:29
Hi again,

another thought about the mouse- and hotkey-bindings.
when you change the bindings like above, maybe you can change the way to configure it too (espacially the mouse-bindings, cause they act with the window-elements).

At the moment you have to choose an action and bind it to a "click spot" and combine it with an keyboard modifier / click type / mousebutton. But you can choose the (most) actions only one time.

In my eyes, this way would be much more flexibel (and logical):
(based on changed bindings, as described in the post above)

Acctually you have the following points under programs "specific settings":
Target Window // Startup // Closing // Position // ... // Title Buttons // Window Menu

Create another point or two (Window standard elements // Hotkeys):
Target Window // Startup // Closing // Position // ... // Title Buttons // Window Menu // Window standard elements // Hotkeys

Now the user can go to "window standard elements" and will see there an empty list and an add(/delete)-button.
The user can go to the add-button > choose one of the window-elements (click-spot) listed (e.g. dropdownlist) there > combine it with click type and keyboard modifier > and finally bind it to an action.

So i get a list of click-spots with action-bindings (not actions with binding to an spot) that works like this:
"Close-button" _____ > leftclick + nothing ___ > minimize to tray
"Close-button" _____ > rightclick + nothing __ > close

But now i can also use the same actions more times maybe like this (actually this works only with some of the actions):
"Close-button" _____ > leftclick + shift _____ > close _____________ // close again (but clicktype/kbmod changed)
"Close-button" _____ > rightclick + shift ____ > minimize to tray __ // mintotray again (but clicktype/kbmod changed):
"Maximize-button" __ > rightclick + nothing __ > rollup ____________ // but also:
"Title bar" ________ > rightclick + nothing __ > rollup ____________ // rollup again (but clicktype/kbmod changed):
"Title icon" _______ > leftclick + nothing ___ > rollup ____________ // rollup again (but clickspot & clicktype/kbmod changed):

by s.tyx
Vasiliy Ivachev
Posts: 2073
Joined: 11/09/2010
Posted: 11/29/2011 00:06:40
Hello s.tyx,

Thanks for the message.

We'll consider this requests too.

Best regards.
Posts: 8
Joined: 11/23/2011
Posted: 12/16/2011 05:50:25
hi vasiliy,

thx again.
by the way: can you give an approximate time, when these changes are going to be integrated?

greetz by s.tyx
Vasiliy Ivachev
Posts: 2073
Joined: 11/09/2010
Posted: 12/20/2011 21:57:05
Hello s.tyx,

by the way: can you give an approximate time, when these changes are going to be integrated?
- Unfortunately, I can't give you an approximate time, when these changes are going to be integrated.

Best regards.
Posts: 8
Joined: 11/23/2011
Posted: 03/15/2012 06:09:01
new version is out, new beta will follow, new hope raises
just to stay in mind.

the free config of the three standard windowbuttons for each program is the essential function for my use.
purchase of the window manager depends on the usabillity of this function.

greetz by s.tyx
Posts: 8
Joined: 11/23/2011
Posted: 12/16/2012 02:31:43
just getting older and bolder ... ;)
shouldn´t be a great thing to implement this function.
just make the three original window button configurable like this:

based on "per program settings" allow to bind the different windowfunctions like

roll up
minimize to tray
minimize to screen
restore to fixed size / position

to the three original windowbuttons combined with left/middle/rightclick action of the mouse.


(programs that shouldn´t be closed accidentally):
._left: normal function
._right: roll up
._left: normal function
._right: restore to size/position
._left: minimize to tray
._right: close programme

(programs that shouldn´t be "collected" accidentally in tray):
._left: normal function
._right: roll up
._left: normal function
._right: restore to size/position
._left: close program

simple, easy, clean, logical and full functional ...

nice x-mas
by(e) s.tyx
Bogdan Polishchuk
Posts: 4102
Joined: 04/04/2012
Posted: 01/16/2013 02:34:00
Hello s.tyx

Have you described here the same feature request as from the first your message on this thread?

We have many feature requests and we work on them according to their priority.

Best regards.

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