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Topic: «Standard exclusion for Snagit selection window » on forum: Feature Requests   Views: 4479
Pim Joosten
Posts: 549
Joined: 11/11/2010
Posted: 02/16/2012 12:01:37
This issue has caused me to do some research, but finally I sorted it out. On my 2 monitor system with Snagit 10.0.2 I found that the capture window of Snagit (the window that appears after clicking the big red Capture button) appeared on the 2nd monitor with the contents of the 1st monitor, if I wanted to take a screenshot of (a part of) the 2nd monitor, or, when opening on the 1st monitor, I only could take a screenshot of (windows on) the 1st monitor. The cause was that the capture window followed the default settings of AWM, which move a new window to the monitor having the mouse. This causes both capture windows (one for each monitor) to be placed on the same monitor (either the 1st or the 2nd monitor) with the capture window of the 1st monitor always on top, hereby losing half of my total capture window.

First I thought it was a Snagit issue, but later I realized it could be related to AWM's default settings. I then logged what happened and was then able to isolate that capture window. After that I made an exclusion for the capture window, because there is no purpose at all to apply AWM on that particular window. Because of this exclusion I now do not encounter any problem anymore when taking a screenshot with Snagit.

I really think you could help AWM's users by making this exclusion a standard exclusion in AWM. The definition settings are:
Window class: SnagitSelectWindowClass
Program: \Snagit32.exe

This issue is not really a bug nor a real feature request, but, like I said, there is no use in applying AWM rules to this one particular window. I think Snagit users will be grateful :!:    ;)
Vasiliy Ivachev
Posts: 2073
Joined: 11/09/2010
Posted: 02/17/2012 02:20:34
Hello Pim,

Thansk for the post.

I was unable to reproduce the problem.

Could you send me your configuration files?

What OS are you running (version, 32-bit or 64-bit)?

Best regards.
Pim Joosten
Posts: 549
Joined: 11/11/2010
Posted: 02/17/2012 03:49:17
Hello Vasiliy,

I am running Vista Ultimate 32-bit. I have sent you my configuration files. I have always experienced this issue. The crucial point in reproducing the issue is that Snagit must follow a rule that opens windows at startup to the monitor having the mouse pointer. On my computer (before the exclusion) it follows the default settings in which that rule is included.

The issue also exists for some other programs. In my configuration files you will f.i. see that I have made specific settings for standard Windows screen savers ("schermbeveiliging") and Workrave windows. Without these rules all these programs show their windows on one monitor, overlapping each other.

While writing this I realised that exclusions might be good for these windows too, instead of specific settings, so I am going to experiment with that. I may get back on that later, particularly because I will be migrating to Windows 7 in the next 2 months and want to do the testing on a Windows 7 machine. For now an exclusion for the Snagit capture window would be sufficient.

Best regards.
Vasiliy Ivachev
Posts: 2073
Joined: 11/09/2010
Posted: 02/20/2012 02:08:08
Hello Pim,

Thansk for the response.

We'll investigate this.

Best regards.

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