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Topic: «New feature , Display Priority » on forum: Feature Requests   Views: 9773
Trond Andersen
Posts: 5
Joined: 02/17/2006
Posted: 05/21/2006 10:23:02

I would really like to have an priority indication when you have minimized a program.
I have tried a program called 'Priority Master', who have that and it is very great to work with, but it does not compare to AWM.
I hope some of you guys think that is a good idea maybe we can get it implemented.

Please please please

and a question: is it a good idea to run AWM in realtime priority?

Anyway i think AWM is a great program
Alexey Fadeyev

Posts: 1452
Joined: 09/30/2005
Posted: 05/23/2006 02:09:57
Hello Trond,

Thanks for your interest to our software. As for your suggestion, it is already implemented partially. To see the current priority you should add the extra "Priority" system menu item and then you can right-click the taskbar button of the desired window to call its system menu and see there in the "Priority" submenu window's current priority. Of course, it's valid only for the case when minimizing to the taskbar (not to system tray or on the screen).

As for your question, I would recommend you to read this message. Also you can refer to the Help "Change Program Priority" article in the "Features -> What To Do" section.
Trond Andersen
Posts: 5
Joined: 02/17/2006
Posted: 05/23/2006 14:16:41

I am aware of this, what i mean is that it would be a lot more easy if you can see what priority a minimized program use without clicking.
Hope you would consider this.
The same indication as when the program is maximized,
would function.

Thank you
Alexey Fadeyev

Posts: 1452
Joined: 09/30/2005
Posted: 05/24/2006 00:58:15
OK, we will think about your suggestion but could you specify in what way this indication should work? When program is minimized there's no title to provide "the same indication". Thanks in advance.
Trond Andersen
Posts: 5
Joined: 02/17/2006
Posted: 05/24/2006 08:23:49
When you minimize a program, it dissapear from the screen, but on the bottom of the screen it is a rectange with the same name as in the title bar.
When you click on this the program maximizes again.
I have used a program called Priority Master for a long time, and when running that program there is an indication what the priority is(in the rectangle at the bottom of the screen).
But as i said before, the AWM is so much better, so i will continuing to use AWM, even if you think this is not a good idea.
But the option' set priority to low when minimized' does not allways function ok in AWM.
I like to have total control, to see what is running on what priority and so on.
It is not a must, but i would like AWM even better if that is implemented.

The icon can be over the text in the rectangle, cause when you have started the program you know what name it has if you only see a part of the text.

Thank you for your help.
Alexey Fadeyev

Posts: 1452
Joined: 09/30/2005
Posted: 05/30/2006 06:08:51
Trond, thanks for such a detailed explanation, we will surely consider it while developing the future versions.

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