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Topic: «Always Visible Desktop Names in Switcher » on forum: Feature Requests   Views: 332
Gamal Mohamed
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Posts: 1
Joined: 08/03/2024
Posted: 08/03/2024 21:06:03
I just bought AVD and it blows Windows' virtual desktop configuration out of the water! I really enjoy the visual switcher that sits in the corner and lets me visualize and select each desktop on each monitor. Sometimes I'll have the same application running on multiple desktops tied to different projects (e.g. a PDF for project A, a PDF for project B, etc).

The issue I face is that each desktop can look visually similar and it can be hard to tell at a glance which desktop is associated with which items until I hover over the desktop or icons. My feature request is a toggle option to always have the respective desktop name visible in the switcher window to easily discern which window to open at a glance and locate my apps by category.
Bogdan Polishchuk
Posts: 4062
Joined: 04/04/2012
Posted: 08/10/2024 22:02:37
Hello, Gamal

Thank you for contacting us.

My feature request is a toggle option to always have the respective desktop name visible in the switcher window to easily discern which window to open at a glance and locate my apps by category
We'll consider adding such option and post here if it's added.

Best regards.

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