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Topic: «Mirroring , Enhancements » on forum: Feature Requests   Views: 31765
Brian Williams
Posts: 6
Joined: 06/01/2019
Posted: 06/17/2019 06:05:42
Hi Bogdan

Bogdan Polishchuk wrote:
Hello, Brian

Have you tried to minimize the mirror window so that it not persists on the desktop and takes place? Is it possible to share the mirror window in this case?

What our product you're running?

Best regards.

The problem is that I am only mirroring a region of the screen. If I minimize the mirror window then I can't tell exactly what I am mirroring. This is very important since I will have multiple windows open within the region which are not using the "full screen" of the region. Being able to make the applications easily go to full screen or not would help, but I don't want to use desktop dividers in other circumstances.

Hence, it would be better to have the ability not to actually create a mirror, but just to make that region into a window so that I can simply share that window. Could just put an outline around it(i.e. no actual window frame).
Bogdan Polishchuk
Posts: 4102
Joined: 04/04/2012
Posted: 06/18/2019 16:28:45

What our product you're running?

Being able to make the applications easily go to full screen or not would help, but I don't want to use desktop dividers in other circumstances.
Could you clarify this? Do you mean you don't want to use desktop divider for accomplishing this?

Best regards.
Brian Williams
Posts: 6
Joined: 06/01/2019
Posted: 06/26/2019 17:09:04
I am running Actual Window Manager v 8.14.

I would use desktop divider for this if there was no other way to easily manage the windows to constrain them within the mirrored area, but I don't think this is ideal.

Think about it - you have an application which you use that can share a window with a few remote people, and they only have smaller monitors - say 1024x768. You need to select a region on the screen of that size, make it into a window, and the application can then share that window with the remote participants.

If you share a whole monitor, you can easily drag applications into the monitor, make them full screen on the monitor etc. I want to be able to do the same thing with this window area instead of the monitor.
Bogdan Polishchuk
Posts: 4102
Joined: 04/04/2012
Posted: 06/26/2019 20:06:49

You need to select a region on the screen of that size, make it into a window, and the application can then share that window with the remote participants.
This feature is very specific and it has restricted range of application, I mean you can apply it only for this scenario.

Try this: create a mirror of a desktop area, disable the "Interact with mirrored content..." option and start the mirror. Then apply transparency to it (for example 20%) and place the mirror window over the windowed area so that it fits perfectly. Then enable the Ghost mode for the mirror window, so that you could click through it. You can disable transparency or leave it enabled - as you wish. You're still able to share the mirror window in the IM applications.

You can also adjust the desktop divider layout so that a tile fits the mirror and mirrored area - this will let you maximize windows to the area.

Also you can create specific settings for the mirror after you adjust it the way I've described above, so that it is placed automatically in the right position as you start it and both transparency and ghost mode are applied automatically.

Here you can find information about how to create Specific Settings for a window.

Let me know if I may be of any further assistance.

Best regards.
Brian Williams
Posts: 6
Joined: 06/01/2019
Posted: 06/27/2019 18:44:41

I have done those type of actions, but it is just too many steps to be useable. May work okay if it is planned meetings where I know I will be presenting, but the more common use is where I am contacted out of the blue to provide assistance, and this is just too involved.
Bogdan Polishchuk
Posts: 4102
Joined: 04/04/2012
Posted: 06/28/2019 21:08:33

but it is just too many steps to be useable.
As I wrote above, you can create specific settings for the mirror, so that it is placed automatically and the transparency and ghost features are applied automatically. Thus, basically you need only to press the hotkey to start the mirror and also enable the Desktop Divider feature. Are these steps still too many?

Best regards.

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