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Topic: «Minimize to Screen » on forum: Feature Requests   Views: 12512
Posts: 2
Joined: 01/28/2008
Posted: 01/31/2008 15:14:22
i hope this hasn't already been done as i am not using the newest version.

i have different requests concerning the minimize to screen-option:

1.) let us set a start-position for the on-screen-icon. i do have a vertical tasbar and because the icon is in the left top corner it hides my-start-button.

2.) when i minimize more than one window to screen, then the icons lie on top of each other. it would be cool if they would be placed in a row. then the user should also be able to set the direction (horizontal/vertical) and depending on screen-position also if he wants it to be from right to left or left to right.

3.) unfortunately i can't have both buttons: minimize to tray AND minimize to screen. i would like to have that as i think that both are quite interesting.

that's all. these things would be really cool, especially point 1 and 2.

thanks a lot. good work!!
Michael Rezvanov
Posts: 387
Joined: 01/31/2007
Posted: 01/31/2008 23:35:06
Thanks for your feature requests. Actually we were planning to reconsider the minimize to screen action.

1) A possible workaround: minimize a winow to screen and manually drag the icon to another position. The next time you minimize it, it will go to this position.
2-3) We will consider the posiibility of such implementations.
Ross Cassell
Posts: 1
Joined: 02/17/2008
Posted: 02/17/2008 12:33:41
Michael Rezvanov wrote:

                                                        Thanks for your feature requests. Actually we were planning to reconsider the minimize to screen action.

1) A possible workaround: minimize a winow to screen and manually drag the icon to another position. The next time you minimize it, it will go to this position.
2-3) We will consider the posiibility of such implementations.                                                        

Another idea would be to have AWM make a container on the desktop that all minimised to screen icons could goto, kind of like a free floating taskbar.
Alexey Fadeyev

Posts: 1452
Joined: 09/30/2005
Posted: 02/21/2008 07:13:40
anchelito wrote:
3.) unfortunately i can't have both buttons: minimize to tray AND minimize to screen. i would like to have that as i think that both are quite interesting.

The AltMin button has a context menu where you can define the way of functioning: just right-click this button and select Minimize to screen to turn this button from Min-to-Tray into Min-to-Screen.
Martin Zugec
Posts: 11
Joined: 06/28/2008
Posted: 06/28/2008 08:01:33

I really like AltMin feature, however I am not that happy about implementation:

a.) Have same problem as 2. in original request. It would be nice if there could be option that minimized window will roll to original minimize button (which means that once you minize window by clicking on minimize button, you will have minimized window previous right next to your mouse if you want to move it somewhere)

b.) With Windows Vista, it would be nice to use WDM and show live previews - that would be definitely killer feature for screen boxes.

Maybe you could have a look at Microsoft Scalable Fabric( for inspiration - that was really promising POC and I am really really disappointed that they discontinued it. Specially with WDM (live), it could change the way how people with multiple monitors works with system.

Michael Rezvanov
Posts: 387
Joined: 01/31/2007
Posted: 06/30/2008 04:48:05

a) The request is registered in our database and we are planning to fix this in one of future versions of our programs.
b) The live preview idea is also in our to-do list, but its implementation can require some time.  

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