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Topic: «Big feature , I know this has been mentioned before, but... » on forum: Feature Requests   Views: 6821
David Lomas
Posts: 377
Joined: 03/16/2006
Posted: 08/01/2007 04:15:23
... its been a while! I've been wrestling with the auto-minimisation problem recently on the beta forum, where an application window set to auto-minimise on inactive does exactly that when it opens a dialogue box (and hence loses focus).

Well, I was wondering how you could make auto-minimise 'conditional' on other things (like not have any other windows belonging to that application open). And the thought of a scripting language came up again.

I started to think of the configuration window a bit like, say, Nero or Winzip - they have a 'wizard' mode where everything can be done by buttons and check boxes, and an 'expert' mode where everything is done manually.

What I'd really like is a fully fledged language with loops, variables, if/then/else, etc. and functions to call which do the actual work of AWM, such as move window, rollup, etc. Each 'script' could hang off an event - such as window opening, user clicking titlebutton, etc.

I realise how complex this could be - but maybe there is some free or open source parser, etc. you could base it on...
Michael Rezvanov
Posts: 387
Joined: 01/31/2007
Posted: 08/01/2007 05:08:38
Actually the idea of script language isn't new. You can imagine that it's really a complex project.

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