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Topic: «Improve Settings Menu Navigation » on forum: Feature Requests   Views: 4184
Dirk Durka
Posts: 27
Joined: 03/07/2014
Posted: 09/14/2014 09:23:19
The layout is really unintuitive, having the primary categories in the lower left, then subcategories in the upper left, then settings on the right. (There's also really never a reason to "Show Fewer Buttons".) Clicking through the primary categories, it's easy to forget that the subcategories are still there, and you can miss whole sections.

It should probably be set up with the primary categories on the left, and then the subcategories can be tabs on the right. At the very least, switch the position of the primary and subcategories.

(This is in Actual Multiple Monitors)
Alexander Mihalkin

Posts: 502
Joined: 04/21/2014
Posted: 09/17/2014 15:04:08
Thank you for your idea, Dirk! We will definitely take it into account!

There's a detail that, in my opinion, doesn't let place the subcategories on the right. It is the fact that you can create as many Specific Settings rules as you wish and it would be really hard to navigate when there are a lot of tabs.

For your information we have been working on user interface improvement and have already achieved some results. We're going to present the improved configuration interface in one of the upcoming releases.

Best regards.
Dirk Durka
Posts: 27
Joined: 03/07/2014
Posted: 09/18/2014 13:47:01
Hmm, what I meant was, Window Settings would still be a clickable category on the left, and then there would be 3 tabs on the right, Default Settings, Specific Settings, and Exclusions.
Alexander Mihalkin

Posts: 502
Joined: 04/21/2014
Posted: 09/18/2014 17:25:27
Thank you for your explanation!

Could you please illustrate the layout you mean in broad strokes so we could be sure that we understand you correctly?
Dirk Durka
Posts: 27
Joined: 03/07/2014
Posted: 09/20/2014 14:33:31

Something like this:

Dirk Durka
Posts: 27
Joined: 03/07/2014
Posted: 09/20/2014 14:35:16
And this:

Alexander Mihalkin

Posts: 502
Joined: 04/21/2014
Posted: 09/20/2014 16:54:05
Thank you very much for the pictures, Dirk!

Now it's perfectly clear how you see it.

What do you think about the certain Specific Settings rule editing section? (UPD: I mean, how do you see that section?)

And what do you think about having the left panel just the way it's done now, but working as an accordion? (i.e. displaying the subcategories under the active category button)

Best regards.
Dirk Durka
Posts: 27
Joined: 03/07/2014
Posted: 09/21/2014 19:46:53
I haven't used the Specific Settings section really, but after playing with it for a minute I guess I don't see how it's different than any other section, it would just go inside a tab like everything else.

I actually really like the accordion idea, I think it's even better than my suggested layout.

Thanks for the excellent customer service!
Alexander Mihalkin

Posts: 502
Joined: 04/21/2014
Posted: 09/22/2014 15:11:00
Dear Dirk,

thank you for your reply and for your ideas!

We'll be glad to hear some feedback from you when we come up with user interface improvements.

Best regards.

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