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Topic: «Keyboard shortcut to cycle through a pinned program's windows » on forum: Feature Requests   Views: 2697
Steve Kalide
Posts: 144
Joined: 03/29/2011
Posted: 02/09/2014 09:57:08
(Not sure whether I should post this in "Tech Support" or here, since it's Windows functionality that's missing.)

When using the AWM taskbars, can we get the native Windows feature restored that allows us to switch between a program's windows by using the WinKey-# shortcut? (# correlating to the ordering of the program icon pinned to the taskbar)

In Windows, programs can be pinned to the taskbar. A user can then use the keyboard shortcut -- WinKey-# -- that correlates with the respective positioning of the pinned programs. So, if my taskbar currently has five programs pinned to it:

[START] | Notepad | CMD prompt | Firefox | Calculator |

...then I should be able to press Winkey and any #-key that correlates with the ordering of icons on the taskbar.

For example, because Firefox is 3rd in the ordering (from left->right), if I press WinKey-3, it will launch Firefox. If Firefox is already running, it will switch to the running Firefox window. If Firefox is focused and only has one window, it will be minimized. And if there are multiple Firefox windows open, pressing WinKey-3 will enable cycling through the open windows via the taskbar program grouping -- this is the one I miss/need most! :)

Currently, when pressing WinKey-# shortcuts using AWM's taskbar, it will launch a new instance of whichever application is ordered on the Windows taskbar, every time it's pressed. Windows also has this ability to spawn new instances, but it uses WinKey-SHIFT-#, and further, it's only activated when pressed initially -- if you activate the program-switcher first, then WinKey-SHIFT-# will cycle through the open program windows to the left (which is very useful). It'd be preferable if AWM could all of this like Windows does.

I really need the ability to quickly cycle through a single program's windows via keyboard. Currently, I have to use the system-wide ALT-TAB, having to look through every program window for the one I need. I really like AWM as my main taskbars (especially the added right-click features), but this native Windows feature is something I need as well. If you can, could you please add this in?

So, in summary:

1.) WinKey-# cycles through an individual program's windows like Windows does by default (and if no current window exists, it'll launch the program).

  a.) When a Winkey-# switching window is activated, user can then cycle through a program's windows with repeated WinKey-#'s (to cycle forward) and WinKey-Shift-# (to cycle backward)

2.) WinKey-SHIFT-# pressed alone initially without any open windows will open a new instance of the program shortcut/icon.

The amount of words I've posted probably makes this sound a lot more complex than it is :) But I just like being thorough when I explain things (sometimes to a fault).

Win7/Win8.1 Pro (x64)
AWM 8.3b2
Vasiliy Ivachev
Posts: 2073
Joined: 11/09/2010
Posted: 03/05/2014 17:18:30
Hello Steve,

Thanks for the post.

We'll consider adding these features.

Best regards.

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