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Topic: «Saved window layout , Save a window layout for future use » on forum: Technical Support   Views: 3044
James Casale
Posts: 4
Joined: 08/10/2023
Posted: 08/10/2023 22:02:50
Is it possible to save a window layout of three untabbed file explorer windows for future use? If so, can I apply this to a shortcut or command?
Bogdan Polishchuk
Posts: 4102
Joined: 04/04/2012
Posted: 08/11/2023 00:54:14
Hello, James

Thank you for contacting us.

Do they have to be always the same explorer windows in the same positions or the set and placement of the windows should be "dynamic" and may differ each time?
James Casale
Posts: 4
Joined: 08/10/2023
Posted: 08/12/2023 02:33:47
Hi Bogdan, I would prefer them to be the same explore windows in the same positions.
Bogdan Polishchuk
Posts: 4102
Joined: 04/04/2012
Posted: 08/14/2023 01:19:53
You can accomplish this by creating a combo item (Actual Window Manager configuration module > Window Settings > Global Options > Combo) and adding "Start program" actions into the combo item for each folder (just type the folder destination into the Target field of the Start program action for example "C:\Downloads" without quotes). Then you can use this pre-defined combo to create a hotkey for this combo action (Hotkeys > Actions > add new hotkey > Combo > press the "Pre-defined" button to the right of the "Combo name" field). But please note that due to the current limitation the hotkey will work only if you press the keys when there is a currently active window affected by Actual Window Manager - is this limitation acceptable for you?

Also you can create an extra Combo title button and assign the pre-defined combo item to it so that the combo action is available from all applications (create the button in Default Settings > Title Buttons section) or particular applications (create the button in particular Specific Settings > Title Buttons section).

To place each folder always in the same position create specific settings for each folder and adjust the options in the Position section of specific settings ("Move at startup to monitor" and "Align at startup to").
James Casale
Posts: 4
Joined: 08/10/2023
Posted: 08/14/2023 20:16:39
Hi Bogdan, thanks. Let me give that a try.

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