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Topic: «AMM changing wallpaper to color , sometimes it just changes the wallpaper to the color option in windows. » on forum: Technical Support   Views: 983
Posts: 2
Joined: 02/25/2023
Posted: 02/25/2023 11:27:03
this happens randomly. i have 4 monitors each set to randomize wallpapers on a timer. sometimes instead of going to a wallpaper, it will change all of the to the color setting under windows. if i try to change it back it will keep going to color. the only fix is to manually change (with the next slide button) each monitor then go into personalize and change it back. i will have to click it a few times and it will change back. at first i thought it was an issue tied to the wallpaper file itself or its name. but after checking in the personalize section of windows i can see which wallpapers are there when this happens and the are wallpaper that work any other time. there seems to be no rhyme or reason to which ones will set this off at any given time. i tried to look for a log but the log window does not seem to show anything of use to fix this. any help is appreciated.
Bogdan Polishchuk
Posts: 4100
Joined: 04/04/2012
Posted: 02/28/2023 19:35:51
Hello, Zamik

This problem may be associated with the fact that there is a limitation to the size of the final desktop wallpaper file in the system.

Could you download the file, unpack it, execute the UseJPEGCodec_AMM.reg file and see whether it stops the problem?
Posts: 2
Joined: 02/25/2023
Posted: 03/02/2023 01:05:17
will do thank you

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