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Topic: «[FIXED] Windows 11 Start Button menu , AWM » on forum: Technical Support   Views: 4995
David Lomas
Posts: 377
Joined: 03/16/2006
Posted: 01/20/2022 22:46:22
AWM on Windows 10 with Replace System Taskbar enabled and the Start button shown, right-clicking gives the usual menu with quick access to things like Device Manager, File Explorer, etc.

Same setup on Windows 11, right click does nothing.

With the Windows 11 taskbar, right-click on the start button shows the same kind of menu as for windows 10
Bogdan Polishchuk
Posts: 4110
Joined: 04/04/2012
Posted: 02/04/2022 18:51:21
Hello, David

Thank you for contacting us.

AWM on Windows 10 with Replace System Taskbar enabled and the Start button shown, right-clicking gives the usual menu with quick access to things like Device Manager, File Explorer, etc.
Same setup on Windows 11, right click does nothing.
The problem has been confirmed. We'll try to fix it and will post here when the problem is fixed.

We'll particularly focus on improving the compatibility with Windows 11 in the next version of the program, which I hope we'll be able to release in the end of February or in March.

Best regards.
Bogdan Polishchuk
Posts: 4110
Joined: 04/04/2012
Posted: 04/29/2024 21:20:14
Hello, David

You wrote:
AWM on Windows 10 with Replace System Taskbar enabled and the Start button shown, right-clicking gives the usual menu with quick access to things like Device Manager, File Explorer, etc.
Same setup on Windows 11, right click does nothing.

I'm glad to notify you that the subject issue has been fixed and the fix is available in the latest version 8.15.1 of Actual Window Manager.

But the Start Button right click menu in our taskbars for now can only be navigated via keyboard. Mouse clicks don't work in it.

You can update your program to the latest version (program's tray icon context menu > Info > Check for Updates) or download the latest version manually, install it and confirm the fix.

Best regards.

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