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Topic: «AWM 8.13.2 no longer works with Slack 4.0.0 , Specific window settings are no longer applied » on forum: Technical Support   Views: 12310
David Lomas
Posts: 377
Joined: 03/16/2006
Posted: 07/26/2019 18:38:04
I've been using AWM and a specific rule to move the toolbar buttons into space on the slack window (I think it is still an Electron app). But since Slack 4.0, the rule has stopped working.

I can create a new rule, and target the window either with the crosshairs or via the window list. But the rule is ignored, and the dropdown menu on the slack app shows 'Modify applied settings "Default settings"' rather than the rule name I gave, indicating AWM isn't matching that window for some reason.

Bogdan Polishchuk
Posts: 4102
Joined: 04/04/2012
Posted: 07/29/2019 19:54:13
Hello, David

This happens because the caption of the Slack window has changed, now it doesn't include "Slack" text. Try to disable the "Caption" target window parameter in the settings for "Slack" or change it according to the current window caption.

Best regards.
David Lomas
Posts: 377
Joined: 03/16/2006
Posted: 07/31/2019 15:21:34
I replied to the email notification as I was away from my desk, but my reply isn't posted here—don't know what happened to that?

Anyway, I had a few problems to begin with, but deleted all the rules and started again, and now have it sorted.

The caption used to work fine with a partial match, until Slack 4 when they removed that (really annoying).
Also, if I don't include the executable, the rule will match every Electron app by window class (Chrome_WidgetWin_1), which makes it too broad.

The remaining problem is that Slack change the executable name with every update. Right now, in the AWM rule, it is:


But Slack just updated to 4.0.1 and the rule stopped working. What I ended up doing is setting the executable to:


and this seems to work, but it's not clear from the configuration window that partial paths are allowed. Is that actually a feature? Or did it work by chance?
Bogdan Polishchuk
Posts: 4102
Joined: 04/04/2012
Posted: 08/02/2019 02:46:17

and this seems to work, but it's not clear from the configuration window that partial paths are allowed. Is that actually a feature? Or did it work by chance?
Yes, this is actually a feature. It is mentioned on this page of the manual: Principles of Operation - How Actual Tools Program Selects a Proper Rule to Apply. The manual says: "Actual Tools program's Control Center checks the Target Window criteria utilizing the following rules: <...> it always tests the Window Class and the Program values for a substring match".

But Slack doesn't really change the name of the executable, it changes its location, hence it's better to use "\slack.exe" as the Program criterion value. The standard specific settings for Slack in our programs utilize this value.

Best regards.

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