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Topic: «Multiple Monitors Buttons Conflict with Chrome Tabs » on forum: Technical Support   Views: 4549
Joshua Nelson
Posts: 1
Joined: 12/29/2018
Posted: 12/29/2018 03:07:11
Is there a way to move my Multiple Monitors buttons further to the right. See attached image. They conflict with my Google Chrome Tabs. Or is there a way to move the tabs down in Chrome settings so that it has a traditional bar like most programs do across the top.

Bogdan Polishchuk
Posts: 4106
Joined: 04/04/2012
Posted: 01/09/2019 08:54:28
Hello, Joshua

What OS you're running (version, 32- or 64-bit)?

What versions of Actual Multiple Monitors and Chrome you're running?

There should be no such problem with the latest versions of Actual Multiple Monitors and Chrome.

Common solution for this type of problems is the "Shift the buttons horizontally" option in specific settings for the program you have this problem with (AMM configuration module > Window Settings > Specific Settings for particular program > Title Buttons > Shift the buttons horizontally). Default value is "0", meaning "no shift". You need to use negative values to shift the buttons to the right. Start with small values, -1 or -2 and see if you need to change it further.

To see what exactly settings are applied to the Chrome window click the “Manage window settings” extra window menu item and see the name of the settings in the appeared menu (Modify applied settings: name of the settings). Make sure that specific settings for Chrome and not Default Settings are applied to the Chrome window before editing the settings and then click the "Modify..." item.
If Default Settings are applied to the window, then you need to enable the Chrome specific settings in the AMM configuration module so that you could edit the "Shift..." option specially for Chrome (AMM configuration module > Window Settings > Specific Settings for Chrome).

Also you can use the "Compact View" option for the title buttons in specific settings for Chrome (AMM configuration module > Window Settings > Specific Settings for Chrome > Title Buttons > Compact View).

Best regards.

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