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Topic: «AWM and Mastercook » on forum: Technical Support   Views: 9925
Posted: 07/13/2005 13:16:16
When I run Actual Window Manager the web import feature of Mastercook stops working on my computer.  Closing AWM allows this feature to work again!
Any ideas on what might be happening?
Michael Tretyakov
Posts: 61
Joined: 03/16/2005
Posted: 07/14/2005 03:45:52

Thanks for your information about this problem.

Can you tell me where we can download the evaluation version of the Mastercook program, so we can make investigation of this issue.

Right now, please, try to add Mastercook program to Exclusion Windows list:
1. Open Actual Window Manager Configuration program. (Click on the Start button, select Programs, select Actual Window Manager and click on the Configuration entry.)
2. Select Exluded Windows item under Default Window Rule.
3. Click on Add button to create new exclusion.
4. Run Mastercook program.
5. Drag a gunsight over a Mastercook window and then release the mouse button.
6. Uncheck Window Class and Window caption options and check Program option.
7. Save changes.

Please let me know about results.

Thanks in advance.

Michael Tretyakov
Actual Tools
Handy Tools for Windows! Make your day-to-day Windows activities easier and more productive!
Posted: 07/14/2005 10:54:24
I don't think that there is a place to download an evauation copy.  The software is sold by Valuesoft.

Some more information:
The web import is listed as a browser extension that is an Internet Explorer add-on.  The button for this is put into the IE toolbar.  
Michael Tretyakov
Posts: 61
Joined: 03/16/2005
Posted: 07/15/2005 02:27:10
Guest wrote:
Some more information:
The web import is listed as a browser extension that is an Internet Explorer add-on. The button for this is put into the IE toolbar.

Does this browser extension have their own windows or open the Mastercook application?

Please try to add the Mastercook application to Exclusion Windows list. It is simple and helps us to diagnose the reason of this problem.

Michael Tretyakov
Actual Tools
Handy Tools for Windows! Make your day-to-day Windows activities easier and more productive!
Joined: 10/06/2005
Posted: 10/06/2005 08:22:58
I was wondering if anyone ever had a problem trying to get the page numbers to print out on the actual recipe page when printing a cookbook.  Tech support at valusoft was abousolutly no help to me. It took me three weeks of comunication with them to finally realize that they really didn't know how to do this either.  You see I finally found out how to get the numbers on the pages and if anyone knew how they would have had an answer for me immediatly but they keep me running in circles.  I couldn't believe that I was the only one that had ever incountered this problem.  If anyone out there is having a problem I would like to save them the frustration that I experienced in trying to do this.
There is only one place within the program that you can print either a single recipe or and entire cookbook and get it to print out your numbers. You have to be in the recipe broswer window. You will see that when you click on file and go to print it is the only place that print published selected recipe or print published selected cookbook. Down at the bottom make sure you select the cookbook you want to print.
I hope that this might have helped someone out there.
Happy Cooking
Christine :D  
DVD Online Store
Posted: 12/14/2005 21:51:21
Hi, why nobody responds me?
Alexey Fadeyev

Posts: 1452
Joined: 09/30/2005
Posted: 12/29/2005 05:42:58
Please, could you tell what kind of respond are you waiting for?

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