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Topic: «[FIXED] Slack is shown on all virtual desktop simultaneously » on forum: Technical Support   Views: 10021
mrtn N/A
Posts: 3
Joined: 08/09/2017
Posted: 08/09/2017 17:45:11
I use AWM 8.11.1 on Windows 10 64bit and have configured 2 virtual desktops on only one of my monitors.

It works fine with all applications except Slack - it always gets displayed on both virtual desktops simultaneously, as well as in the virtual desktop switcher, see screenshot.
This is really annoying as it thwarts the use of virtual desktops.

Another issue with Slack: The automatic resizing to the window tiles does not work when dragging slack to the red tile-borders (nothing happens). (And AWM's top-bar icons on Slack are mis-placed, but there is already a thread about that on the forum.)

Another issue, not directly related to Slack: The Slack icon is white and therefore barely seeable in the virtual desktop switcher. Would be nice to be able to set a custom icon.

Thanks for your help!

Bogdan Polishchuk
Posts: 4110
Joined: 04/04/2012
Posted: 08/11/2017 01:21:21
Hello, mrtn

Another issue with Slack: The automatic resizing to the window tiles does not work when dragging slack to the red tile-borders (nothing happens). (And AWM's top-bar icons on Slack are mis-placed, but there is already a thread about that on the forum.)
These are known problems, we'll try to fix them and will post here when they're fixed.

Another issue, not directly related to Slack: The Slack icon is white and therefore barely seeable in the virtual desktop switcher. Would be nice to be able to set a custom icon.
We'll consider your request and will post here when/if it's implemented.

It works fine with all applications except Slack - it always gets displayed on both virtual desktops simultaneously, as well as in the virtual desktop switcher, see screenshot.
I was unable to reproduce this problem.

Is Slack displayed this way right from the moment you open it or it starts after some actions with window?

What version of Slack are you running?

Best regards.
mrtn N/A
Posts: 3
Joined: 08/09/2017
Posted: 09/10/2017 22:12:24
Hi Bogdan,

thanks for your response and sorry for my late reply.

Would be nice to see the known problem with Slack fixed anytime soon :)
Personally, I don't need the title bar buttons to work, but resizing Slack to a Divider-Tile is a feature I'd need frequently.

Regarding my initial issue to create this thread - Slack is shown on both virtual desktops simultaneously: It weird, but I can't reproduce this either. It happened regularly before I opened this thread (like every day). I don't remember if it happened from the beginning or after some actions with Slack.
I also don't know what fixed it. I think after adding special settings to explicitly move Slack to virtual desktop X on startup the issue was gone.

Best, Martin
Bogdan Polishchuk
Posts: 4110
Joined: 04/04/2012
Posted: 10/18/2018 18:51:34
Hello, mrtn N/A

The automatic resizing to the window tiles does not work when dragging slack to the red tile-borders (nothing happens).
I'm glad to notify you that the subject issue has been fixed in the latest version of Actual Window Manager 8.13.2 and our other products as well.

Best regards.

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