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Topic: «[SOLVED] Background settings don't stick , Background image settings seem to get lost or forgotten » on forum: Technical Support   Views: 2234
Robert Murray
Posts: 3
Joined: 12/21/2015
Posted: 12/21/2015 01:17:47
I'm running Actual Windows Manager 8.6.2 on a Windows 8.1 (64-bit) laptop with a HDMI connected second monitor as an extension to the desktop.   I keep changing my background image but AWM doesn't remember it and resets it back too what it was before.   I am 'Individual picture' setting, but it won't remember my changes and reverts back to a previous settings.   When I logged in this morning it looked like it was working when my new backgrounds were displayed, but all I did was move a window to the second desktop, then go to the second desktop to position the window, and switch back to the first desktop and BAM!....the OLD background images are displayed again.   Frustrating!   I can consistently reproduce this bug in this way.  

Sometimes (like just now) I go into the settings, change the background images AGAIN, and click apply or OK and the screens to blank as if its changing it but then it just comes back the the same old background images I had before - totally ignoring my changes.

Any ideas why this keeps happening and what to do to fix it?   I'm tired of the old images and want to change them.  I paid a lot of money for this software and it seems like this very basic feature should work.
Bogdan Polishchuk
Posts: 4102
Joined: 04/04/2012
Posted: 12/21/2015 18:56:04
Hello, Robert

Do you use the Virtual Desktops feature?

Where exactly do you change this setting? In the Virtual desktops section or in Multiple monitors > Background?
Robert Murray
Posts: 3
Joined: 12/21/2015
Posted: 12/23/2015 14:18:34
Hi Bogdan,

Yes, I'm using the Virtual Desktops feature.  That's what I meant by 'second desktop' in my original message, and that is the AWM VDs and NOT Windows VD just to be clear.   However, today it changed back at some point and I didn't even switch to my second desktop.    I'm not sure when it reverted back today or what I did since I was on my other computer most of the time.   I just noticed when I went to shut down.

Otherwise, I've been changing the setting in the Multiple Monitors/Background page.   Interesting question, since I was not aware or didn't notice that I could do it under Virtual Desktops.   So now I have just changed it again from the Virtual Desktops page to see what happens.  I do notice that the change is reflected in both areas, so I would not expect it to make a difference.  Does it?

Bogdan Polishchuk
Posts: 4102
Joined: 04/04/2012
Posted: 12/23/2015 16:08:53

Desktop profile settings for Virtual Desktops and in Multiple Monitors > Background are separate settings, not the same. The former is related to Virtual Desktops and not affects the latter. Although, by default is set to Current Windows background, which means it uses the Windows background settings or AMultiple Monitors > Background settings if it is enabled. But if you change the background settings for Virtual desktops, then disable Virtual Desktops feature, then Multiple Monitors > Background settings will be applied to your system.
Robert Murray
Posts: 3
Joined: 12/21/2015
Posted: 12/24/2015 11:49:46
OK, I understand now.  Thank you for the explanation, Bogdan.   :D

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