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Topic: «Second Monitor Just won't stay 'live' , Can't get second monitor to stay on » on forum: Technical Support   Views: 2233
Peter Winwood
Posts: 1
Joined: 10/22/2014
Posted: 10/22/2014 20:38:47
Hi can anyone help
I am trying to run a second monitor (A Dell) with my HP Envy 23 All in one. This has worked perfectly well for at least a couple of years. Now just in the last couple of months the second monitor won't come on and hold an image.
It began when 'waking up' from the screen saver. No image on monitor 2. If I turned monitor 2 on/off a couple or three times it would eventually 'hold' the image.
Now it wont do it all, except for about 2 seconds when I switch 'on/off'. Then the screen goes black and that's it.
Anyone experienced this and have a workaround???
I have Actual Tools software installed. :cry:
Alexander Mihalkin

Posts: 502
Joined: 04/21/2014
Posted: 10/23/2014 16:55:19
Dear Peter,

thank you for your post!

1) Please check if this behavior is shown without our software loaded.

2) Am I correct in understanding that by "hold an image" you mean actually displaying what it should be?

3) Are you runnning your monitors in Extended desktop mode or in Clone mode?

4) Which Actual Tools product is it and what's its version?

5) Finally, please specify your OS version and its bitness.

Best regards!

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