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Topic: «Opening aplications on mouse cursor display , Can I specify which display to open aplications on » on forum: Technical Support   Views: 3411
Lawrence Kiefer
Posts: 1
Joined: 09/07/2014
Posted: 09/07/2014 05:53:28
I have 3 monitors set up, all of which have the windows tanbark and start button activated. I would like to know if it is possible to have applications open on the monitor where the mouse cursor is. For example, if I use the windows start button on monitor three to open Firefox, can I make it so the application opens on this display and not one of the others?
Alexander Mihalkin

Posts: 502
Joined: 04/21/2014
Posted: 09/08/2014 17:20:20
Dear Lawrence,

thank you for your post!

It is possible with Actual Window Manager, Actual Window Guard and Actual Multiple Monitors.

You can either
  • Go to Actual Multiple Monitors (or the product you use) -> Window Settings -> Default Settings -> Startup, mark the Move to monitor checkbox, select the Having mouse pointer radio button below and click Apply. This rule will apply to all the windows excepting the ones listed in Exclusions.
  • Or you can create Specific Settings rule for each application and/or window you want to be moved to the monitor having mouse pointer and adjust each of that rules the same way as described above.
Best regards!

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