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Topic: «Browser Crashes » on forum: Technical Support   Views: 3754
T Jones

Posts: 9
Joined: 02/06/2012
Posted: 09/02/2013 19:28:36
Actual Windows Manager is a great product and I have used for over a year now.

Tech info:

Actual Windows Manager 8.01
Windows 8


Sometimes (not often) the browser (and programs) goes into a loop with the actual windows toolbar showing a black background. I need to close to browser and it is the only way I can stop it. Therefore I lost all the work being done in that window.

I have the toolbar for actual windows at default. I do not need any of the buttons except the "move to monitor". How can I turn off the five unused icons? Maybe that will solve my problem. If not, it would be great if it is still possible to turn off the five unused icons.

See image

Any suggestions?

Bogdan Polishchuk
Posts: 4102
Joined: 04/04/2012
Posted: 09/05/2013 16:17:31
Hello T Jones

If you don't have the Specific Settings for the browser window the Default Settings are applied to this window.

So, the title buttons can be disabled here: Window Settings > Default Settings > Title Buttons.

What applications have you noticed the problem with?

Are you able to reproduce the problem?

Best regards.
T Jones

Posts: 9
Joined: 02/06/2012
Posted: 09/05/2013 18:44:04
Thank you for the settings.

The error does not happen using a particular application or often enough in a single day for me to figure out a pattern used in order to produce the error. I will pay closer attention and make notes for each occurrence and follow up with more complete information.

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